Sitka Gears new website

I'll continue to pour it on. It's bad. Worse than I originally thought when looking on my phone this morning. For example, try finding the green fanatic hoody. It's there, I just found it.

I tried finding this and gave up after about 20 minutes. Will give it a try again when I have more time.
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if you use the compare feature and click on a couple items the weights will show in the comparison. some notables it says the apex merino blend hoodie is 20 oz which seems like a lot and the kelvin down ws hoody is 32 oz.

i liked the previous website a lot better

Where is the compare feature?
They need to get a handle on this. When it’s easier to thumb though a catalog vs clink on a website you probably need to rethink your design and implementation
I tried finding this and gave up after about 20 minutes. Gotta be tough on sales when guys that even know the products can’t find what they’re looking for.

While I don't think their sorting is the best for a company purportedly "turning clothing into gear" (no weights? sorting by activity and broad clothing categories rather than layering position/technology), I literally found the green Fanatic within 20 seconds or something from my phone...

I'd say it's an inconvenient website now, not catastrophic.
Definitely not as good as it could be. I can see they're going for the Arcteryx style site... but have some bugs to work out for sure.

Thankfully the 'Search' function works fairly well. I didnt know what the fanatic hoodie was considered (big game? Waterfowl? Everyday?). Typed 'fanatic' in the search bar, bingo. Clicked "other scenarios" and found a green one. All that said, if I didnt know what specific name they used for the hoodie it would have been a much tougher search. For instance, I searched for 'softshell' and only 1 hat came up. I searched for 'fleece' and got 55 results... and there was no filter option to narrow it down any.
Unfortunately, I agree. It's pretty rough. I go there for specific items that I want...even those are tough to find. For someone who just wants to browse or is unfamiliar with their lineup - good luck.

Hope they get it figured out.
Glad I picked up a hard copy of the catalog. The person who designed the new website should be tortured and then fired.
While I don't think their sorting is the best for a company purportedly "turning clothing into gear" (no weights? sorting by activity and broad clothing categories rather than layering position/technology), I literally found the green Fanatic within 20 seconds or something from my phone...

I'd say it's an inconvenient website now, not catastrophic.

Hmmm...I cannot find the green Fanatic Hoodie.

EDIT: I FOUND IT! I finally sorted by ALL Men's clothing and found it on Page 4. I think if you scroll down on the first page and hit "Shop Men's" you can find everything they sell. Problem is, you may have to scroll through 16 pages to find your item.
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So, I hit "Men's" filtered for Hoodies. I'm not exactly a huge Sitka fan, so I'm not gonna spend a bunch of time going through the options, but if you know broadly what the type of clothing you're looking for (i.e. Jacket, Bottom, Hoody, etc.) that narrows it down considerably from just "All Men's" or whatever.

Heck, once you sort into "Type" (Jacket) you can then narrow it down farther into "Layer" (Mid, Insulation, Rain Gear). The more I look, the better it gets, lol.
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Does not play well with mobile. Safari and chrome are on current versions and neither will pull a desktop version. Older version of chrome on android will but I have to “request desktop site” with every new page. Compare feature only shows on desktop version. It defaults back to mobile but item descriptions are listed together making it confusing to know which is which. Another request for desktop and it’s normal side by side.

Item weight should be front and center not only shown when comparing. I also can’t stand seeing the same product several times just to show availability of pattern or solid color. Yes very confusing for someone unfamiliar with Sitka products or new to high end clothing. I really hope Sitka reads this thread as the new site has potential
i don't like how you can select one item but you can't go through the different color options, you have to find each one. also i don't like not having a solid color filter option
So, I hit "Men's" filtered for Hoodies. I'm not exactly a huge Sitka fan, so I'm not gonna spend a bunch of time going through the options, but if you know broadly what the type of clothing you're looking for (i.e. Jacket, Bottom, Hoody, etc.) that narrows it down considerably from just "All Men's" or whatever.

Heck, once you sort into "Type" (Jacket) you can then narrow it down farther into "Layer" (Mid, Insulation, Rain Gear). The more I look, the better it gets, lol.

I did the same as you and found it quick. I don't own any Sitka gear but had to check the site out from this thread, it reminds me of the First Lite site where you either get a huge list or you have to filter for what you are looking for.
Looks like I'm in good company. The website is very poorly laid out. Navigating to find a specific product has become the impossible. Too many unnecessary filters, and scenarios. I really hope they fix this!
I liked the old site better as well, and l like having a weight for items along with what size item was weighed.

I think you should be able to sort by pattern also. Where I live Marsh camo blends in better for the later seasons I mainly hunt than open country or subalpine. I'd like to be able to click Marsh and see every product available in it in one spot. I really don't like having to sort by activity rather than just pattern and item class (jacket, vest, etc). If they want to have a list of what products they call suitable for what activity, recommend layering systems, whatever do it as a separate tab for those seeking information not just trying to look at products.

Anyway that's my opinion. I pretty much got bought what I need for a while so it won't bother me much. I upgraded everything I'm likely to in the next year or two for the AK hunt this fall.
Not to pile in to the he hate fest, but in case they are paying attention, it seems the search and directory needs a bit of tuning. I was looking for the nomad bag and couldn’t find it using the search. Had to drop back to google and search and then click a link.

Good company. I am sure they will get it sorted out.
At least I know what gear is specifically designed for "spot and stalk" and "ambush" hunting. Absolutely terrible...