Single guy with money to burn...


Nov 7, 2012
Sahuarita, AZ
No this is not a dating classified...and when I say money to burn that's to a certain degree...I just got into archery this year...January actually, and even though I have gotten nothing except for a rabbit and a squirrel with my PSE Vandetta (Elk hunt in AZ coming up Sept 13-26, 2013), I am currently thinking maybe I should upgrade my bow...don't get me wrong, I love my setup right now plus I had the luxury of attending a 3 day, and a couple of extra hours of archery lesson put together by PSE in Tucson, AZ and the Coach Alexander is awesome...taking what he has thought me back in February and March, I am now shooting my bow at least once a week for about 2-3 hours...mostly on sundays...I call it going to church... accurate up to about 50-55 yds....was thinking about the Matthews line of bows...thinking I will have the Matthews as my main hunting bow and the PSE as my backup, any thoughts on this? Not sure yet about which Matthews I will like, but the commercials are definitely working and I got that itch...well right now it's still an itch, but it could easily become a rash....there is a couple of archery shops in town and I can easily go shoot a couple just to see how it feels, but before that, I just wanted you guys thoughts on my idea of another bow...any ideas/criticism is welcomed...I have a tough skin..
This late in the game I would say wait until November and see what Hoyt, Mathews, and PSE come out with for 2014.
There are a lot of great shooting bows. Don't buy a new bow based on the name. Shoot as many as you can. Take a close look at the Athens and Strother bows too. They will surprise you. I sold a Strother SHO to a Mathews guy, after setting it up this was his 40yrd group 15 minutes later. Not saying buy a Strother, just saying look and shoot a lot of bows before you make that investment.


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I agree with OR Archer....sounds like you are shooting good, don't change. IMO your bow is way down the list of upgrades for hunting. If you are need of upgrades on things like boots, tent, sleep system, pack etc...spend your extra $ on that.

I get it though, having the latest and greatest makes you feel good and for some reason archery is like that. After 5 years of buying, selling, and trading my Western hunting gear I think I am finally to the point I am ready to upgrade my bow(2008 Bowtech Tomkat) in the off season.

Also note that if you get the latest and greatest 2 year old bow you can get it for half price...maybe less.
Thanks a lot folks...appreciate all the word of advice...SHTF that is crazy about Matthews...I do plan on going to a couple of Pro Shops to shoot as much bows as they will let me get my hands on...Just trying to see what other good bows are out there, looks like there is quite a few...
And if you do decide to change do like what was mentioned Shoot as many as you can. Personally I wouldn't shoot a Mathews. They are great bows but they are treating a lot of the pro shops like crap. There are some real horror stories out there about Mathews pulling their bows out of shops because they don't like a review they did on their bows or because the Shop wasnt selling enough. You wont find Hoyt PSE Obsession Strothers or Elite doing this. There is a lot to be said about how the company treats their Pro Shops. After some of the stories Ive heard you couldn't pay me to shoot Mathews. That's my own personal feeling though.

I wouldn't believe everything you read on AT. In fact I wouldn't believe a 1/3rd of what I read on there. Most of those stories are extremely inflated. I work for a Mathews dealer and they are one of the best companies to do business with. I'd be willing to bet a $100 bucks that the people who had their dealerships revoked had other issues that are not being addressed on those threads. They wouldn't revoke a dealership over a simple review. That's not how they operate and never have.
1. As said many times above, shoot as many different manufacturers, and styles, and lengths, and risers, and limb configurations, and wheels vs. cams, and all the other things that make bows different from one another.
2. Research how well each manufacturer warrants their bows and what their customer support is like; one year warranty, they can get you new limbs in a week...a month...try finding them at a pro shop near you, etc.
3. THEN, when you know what you want/like in a bow based on how you shoot and how you hunt, find models that fit your needs, and then look at what your prefered vendor offers from that group.

Remember, everybody shoots a little bit differently and everybody hunts a little differently. Even though this ten guys love Mathews there are ten guys over there who love Hoyt (or Bear, or Stephens, or whatever). Get what will work best for YOU.
Larry you are most definitely someone who knows how to give advice...I like everything you had to say and how you laid it out...I went to a bow shop this afternoon and shot a couple of Matthews and Hoyt bows, and I must say, the one I liked best was still my PSE Vandetta...guess that's why I picked it the first time...will keep researching...appreciate all the advice guys..
Just get your self some good glass so you can find something to shoot with the bow that is already shooting good.
I'd also say don't get stuck trying just the so called big names, Bear, Martin, elite, G5 also make some great bows as well.
Just get your self some good glass so you can find something to shoot with the bow that is already shooting good.

X1000 - a bow won't help you harvest an animal if you can't find it and even then any modern bow, at 60 lbs properly set up, will kill most animals in North America regardless of price point. I mean traditional archers still get the job done and they are essentially using the same stick and string that have been used for centuries. What you have shoots and feels good to you. I would strongly advise you use it this hunting season.