Silly things you heard as a kid

My grandmother when she thought we were not being 100% truthful. “You’re as full of shit as a Christmas turkey”. Never could figure that one out.

Actually this one I learned from my son who came back from the army with it, but it’s pretty funny. “ This is your goat to fxxk… I’m just holding a leg for you”
Mom used to say "Gonna rip off your arm and hit you in the face with the bloody end". Never heard her say "wait until your dad gets home" in my life. She could really lay a whooping on me and my siblings.
When something didn't turn out right. "You're not holding your mouth right."

"Stop crying or I'll give you a reason to cry."

When I was little he'd say, "Skin a cat!" when he pulled my shirt off. I guess we didn't skin rabbits in our house @WoodBow
George Jones, "hotter than a $2 pistol."

Read Proverbs, one can learn a lot there.

Always have on clean underwear.

You have 2 ears and one mouth, you figure it out.
“That’s crookeder than a dogs d1ck!”

My dad would say that while looking down and spinning an aluminum game getter arrow. That was freshly launched into the woods.
First time I heard my dad say this, was we were ice fishing. And he had to do something, and I said I will watch your pole. He turned around and said, I don't think you can operate that heavy equipment. Heard him use it, a few times after too. ( wish I could hear him say it again)
Came home with a black eye. Dad said “Looks like you were talking when you should’ve been listening”
- actually was solid life advice.

Yes, my grandpa used to have a lot of quirky sayings too. Whenever we went fishing he always tell me to keep an eye out for river dragons which kept me fascinated and vigilant the whole time. It is those little memories that make those times so special.

Seen a few of your posts now and I’m wondering if you can prove to me that your a real person
My Grandmother used to say
“Have to eat a peck of dirt before you die”
Usually when one of the younger kids would eat something off the floor or put something that was “dirty” in their mouths.