Silky Saws

I have a Pocketboy 130 with fine teeth that stays at camp for cutting skull caps. I keep a Pocketboy 170 with large teeth on the ATV. They are very well made, and I love the grippy rubber handles. But in reality, aside from being a bit faster, they don't do anything that my cheapo 40 y/o Sierra Saw can't. My only real knock on Silky, is that replacement blades cost almost as much as a new saw.
Think I have almost every folding silky including the katana boy. Can’t say enough about them.

For an all rounder the 210 gomboy is great.

The smaller 170 are what I hunt with.

The big boy is what I think competes and beats any bow saw for more extended fire wood camp chores.

Katana is for survival, homesteading or trail/road clearing if no chain saw.

Most folders I have medium teeth, but if I’m in hard woods I’ll switch to fine teeth. Large teeth are best for soft and green wood.
I have the 210 gomboy (first silky) and it’s blown me away by its capabilities and how nice it is to use

I will be expanding my inventory of silkys, I want a pocket bow with 2 blades next, fine and medium
Im a fan for sure. I have a 130, gomboy 210 and the outback 240.

I agree with roosiebull about how capable they all are, I keep the 240 on my atv and I feel like I am always looking for excuses to use it.
I’ve used a Silky professional F180 180mm folding saw the last two years. It’s a little bigger than I would like, especially for backpacking, but definitely nice during late season when cutting for my stove and/or warming fires during the day. I’m going to buy a 130mm and see how that works for me this summer.
I use the Tsurugi and zubat for work and the pocket boy for camping and hunting. All are amazing saws, the price for replacement blades suck but that’s only really once a year so it’s worth it. For most pruning I’ll only use my handsaw and not even take up a chain saw.
I have these along with the Zubat that I use for tree work.

One thing I was surprised to find out is that a Wyoming saw was much more efficient on dead, bone dry spruce trees
If you get a chance, grab a big boy and the fine teeth extra blade and give hard wood a try…

Seems a lot of the pruners are all large teeth for live greener wood