Shoulder issues

Ridge Runner

Dec 23, 2012
Boise, ID
Smoked my right shoulder about 40 days ago working out. Laid off it awhile and has got progressively worse. Finally because I couldn't pull my bow any longer went to dr yesterday. I had visions off torn rotator cuff and surgery in the back of my mind.

Fortunately my dr has a sports medicine background. Rotator cuff tendinitis diagnosis. A horse needle of cortisone and physical therapy to strengthen/tighten the support muscles that make up the rotator cuff and I should be good to go by May:cool:

According to dr rotator cuff issues pretty common in the 40+ crowd. Things tend to loosen up over time.

I've been having minor issues for a long time, if I would have gone to the DR before it got acute probably could have avoided the problem.
Shoulder issues suck. I tore up my rotator cuff in high school, and twenty some years later it can still rear its ugly head. Whenever mine flares up, I get ice on it ASAP so I can get the inflammation down. Rest it for a few days, take some anti-inflammatories, and I'm usually good to go.

Watch what you do in your workouts to protect those shoulders. I don't let the bar touch my chest anymore on bench presses, I avoid things like lateral raises, and don't go higher than my collarbone on upright rows. No behind the head lat pull downs, and I try to avoid really heavy weights. I do lots of pullups (palms facing away), pushups ( to a 90 degree elbow bend), dumbbell presses and such. Keeping those shoulder muscles strong is super important, and if you don't get lax in your routine your shoulder will thank you for it.

Good luck on the rehab.
I hear ya, shoulders can be a pain. I've had 5 shoulder surgeries. To this day I do therapy on them at home. 10-15 min before workout. Once they start to go bad, you HAVE to stay on top of it. The best way to do that is by keeping them strong. Keep all those little stabilization muscles strong with rehab, and things like pull-ups as Jason mentioned, are fantastic. I see shoulder surgeries all day long, be happy nothing is torn and take it slow!
So Dr was wrong. Wasn't tendinitis. I got my MRI results back today. Slap tear and partial rotator cuff tear with arthritis. Next step surgery. Anyone with experience on what I'm in for?
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So Dr was wrong. Wasn't tendinitis. I got my MRI results back today. Slap tear and partial rotator cuff tear with arthritis. Next step surgery. Anyone with experience on what I'm in for?

Same exact thing I have. I just recently had a thread on the same issue. I have been lifting more weights on upper body with good form and 12-20 reps per set. Try and never go heavy but still close to failure. My shoulder has been feeling a lot better, hopefully yours will too.

Good luck
Yep, I just had shoulder surgery in December, and I am now back to near 100%. I was extremely lucky I think because I was told by my doc that I would be in a sling for six weeks, and then have 4 to 6 months of physical therapy. However, after three days in the sling, I ditched the sling and havn't looked back. 10 days after the surgery I had my follow up visit and I walked in without my sling and I thought the doc was going to freak out, but once I showed him that I had full range of motion, and real good strength, demonstrated by picking up my 2 year old. He gave me the green light to pretty much do whatever I wanted except for throwing anything, and not lifting more than 20lbs over my head. Obviously my experience was probably the exception, and not the rule, but I think a lot of it depends on two things. Your own pain tolerance, and your doc's experience. Get er done now so that you can draw your bow by Sept. Good luck.
Same exact thing I have. I just recently had a thread on the same issue. I have been lifting more weights on upper body with good form and 12-20 reps per set. Try and never go heavy but still close to failure. My shoulder has been feeling a lot better, hopefully yours will too.

Good luck

Lifting is not currently an option about anything I do feels like a knife sticking in my shoulder.