Should I Upgrade My Bow

New String, Slider sight and old friend you know shoots where you want it to.
That is a perfect combination to go on this hunt. IMO.

Outfitters often cringe when they hear a guy come into camp with the latest whiz bang and no blood.
Look at your outfitters gear. It's usually in great shape, completely practical and not necessarily "fresh from the tag ripping". They leave that to their customers who need to look the part.

Take old faithful and drill one!! Look forward to the pictures.
2 bows for the trip is the ideal situation. So I'd say get a new bow, the one you'd like to have for another 10 years (or whatever), set it up, and shoot it like a madman alongside your old bow. My only concern with your old (or new) bow is how well you shoot it at distance and angles (get a good range finder w angle compensation for sure). Then hunt primarily with the one you think shoots the best at the distances and angles you anticipate on your hunting trip. I love my HeliM. My first bow, and still a great deer and hog killer for me. But for elk hunting, where I anticipate shooting farther and at crazier angles, I'm hunting w my Obsession. And I take both w me on every trip.
Yes you should get a new bow every year. And it should always be the ones you see all the hunting guys on you tube using. I would even go as far as saying get the same colors they get too.
Everyone should get a new bow each year. We have a hunting industry to support here, so get new arrows as well...
You should also get the latest First Lite gear too- puffy pants.

Seriously though, longer ranges are a good thing to consider. If the bow wont do it, then yes up grade.
Not all newer bows are worth the $$ but some certainly are.