Should I buy a spotter or upgrade my binos?

I run Leicas on a tripod and never really feel that I need more. Tripod makes an unbelievable difference. I'm not trying to count points or field judge anything more than shooter or not.

I've tried talking myself into a spotter several times but can't really justify it.
If your not going to invest more then $1k in optics then I’d recommend you invest your entire optics budget in binos you’ll use 95% of the time and a tripod. Spotting scopes are nice to have but far from needed unlike a good bino which will get tons of use.
A good set of 10s on a tripod are awesome! Nikon ESs and Vortex Razors can be had used on here for your budget. Get a bino adapter and good tripod and a Sirui VA5 head (sirui combos on sale at Cameraland now) and you’ll be all set.
I was in the same boat and asked the same question recently on another forum. All recommendations under pointed me to the Athlon Ares. Tough to beat it for the money and intended use.