I saw this picture and it got me thinking about all the weird angles that can be presented to us in the woods. What would you do in this situation? Red, yellow, pass, or other? Why?
Distance would heavily play into this for me...outside 40 yrds with bow, I'd wait for better angle or pass. Inside 40, I'd go far right edge of Red dot.
Bow, no matter what the distance I'd wait for a better shot angle. Rifle, I'd shoot between the dots - he's getting a ride home in the bed of my truck.
Either weapon, yellow, but if he's moving my way as it appears I might wait a bit for a better shot with the bow. I've been studying that pipeline shot and consider it feasible. Country looks open and fairly flat...not just in this great exercise, but in general a lot of those calls are dependent on time of day, recovery help, distance to base, and terrain. Thanks, good stuff.
Looks like a shot just a bit below the yellow dot would take out some large blood vessels coming off the top of the heart, but would be a very tight window with a bow.
Also, it seems like hitting the red dot with a bow could easily end up with a single lung/liver shot at that angle?
Just a bit inside the red dot with a bow inside 40. I made a similar shot a few years ago when a bull I thought was broadside turned a little coming in. Went 30 yards. Broadhead went through the offside hip and stopped under the hide.
Yellow dot, that is going to travel through the boiler room and should do serious damage to the offside shoulder.
My problem is I still instinctively go red dot. On two whitetails this past season I took the red dot, and they ran into hell holes and I had to smell the guts while recovering. Both died within 75 yards, but on one of them I literally had to give up and go back and get a machete in each hand to get to it it was so thick.
Yeah im hammering yellow dot with my 7mm08 and watching him pile up in about 50 yards, probably snap off a follow up instinctively from whitetail experience
40 or under I’d put it behind the shoulder with a bow. I passed a similar shot on a bull every bit that big when I drew a OIL a few years back. Bull was quartered toward at 60 yards. I drew and just couldn’t get myself to take that shot. He never presented a better one so I passed. I ended up killing a dink at the end of the season.
With a rifle........right in the middle of those two dots. Bow........I'm waiting a couple seconds and a couple steps for a better shot. That bulls on the move and in the middle of a bugle. Depending on the distance he may be broadside in a second. If I'm not already at full draw, I'm kind of hosed in what looks to be pretty wide open. Wait until he passes and then put him down. Also depends on where the wind is coming from.