Fresh grouse in the backcountry is tough to beat. I just slice up the breasts and thighs and add it to whatever I’m eating that night.
My bro in law and myself really put a hurting on some spruce grouse last year.
I'm usually only good for one grouse/week. The meat tastes fine but it's so damn chewy it's not really worth the risk of losing an arrow over one for me.
I usually have 5 broadhead and 1 small game head, if the grouse are thick I'll go 4/2 and put a couple in my pack. I also put extra broadheads in my pack just in case. I've shot 3 at a deer before, and 4 at an elk, and this year I was walking around with deer, elk and bear tags. Only went 2 for 10 on grouse this year in CO, mostly singles, and had 2 fly off with my arrow. They were easier last year in MT and usually in groups that would hang around after a shot, I went about 7 for 9.
I keep 2-Rage expandables in my quiver in case a turkey or coyote come through when I'm hunting. I shot a turkey last year and killed a turkey. the arrow tumbled after it exited the turkey so i considered that a win
When I first started bow hunting I went with a friend that carried a small game head in his quiver for squirrel or birds. I watched him draw on a beautiful 4x4 buck that was standing broadside at 30yds. Perfect lung shot but the arrow bounced off, and deer was still running the next day. Yep, blunts just got no penetration at all. I decided that broadheads can kill small game and just carried as many as I could. Now, I admit this was back when Easton Eagles and Satellite broadheads were popular and you could build an arrow for a couple bucks. Now, I just don’t shoot small game with my bow.