Sheep Show 2022


Jul 1, 2014
Well, the Sheep Show is just over a week away and it's been pretty quiet here. Anyone planning on attending? I plan to be there for the duration. Gotta win something one of these years!!
I will be there Thursday thru Saturday. This will be my fifth show and always look forward to it.
Sorry for the stupid question but If I just show up on Saturday is it just pay and get in? I’d like to take my daughter too.
Sorry for the stupid question but If I just show up on Saturday is it just pay and get in? I’d like to take my daughter too.
yes and yes! show up early Saturday. How old is your daughter? they do a super cool event for youth education and Saturday its free.I believe you BOTH get tickets to the exhibit hall as well. Like super cool event! they can learn to kayak, shoot BB guns, archery, tie flies, just to name a few things. its Called Youth Wildlife Conservation Expo. doors open at 10 but be warned, it gets super busy.