A famous sheep hunter once said, “Sheep are for young men…”
So naturally, I took my 12 yr old son to the remote northern mountains of British Columbia to hunt one of North America’s most sought after game animals, the Stone Sheep.
Josh is precise, cautious, and has tremendous respect for authority. He never dives right into something without thinking it through. In many ways, he’s the polar opposite of who I am. At times, this has made me pull out my hair in frustration, but as he is maturing I have grown to realize that he is becoming his own man with many endearing qualities that I lack. Our time together on this hunt further added to the overwhelming pride that I have to call this young man my son.
Hunters know that a sheep hunt never begins when you step out your front door, drive the long hours north, or board a plane. Instead, it commences months in advance with the scouting of huntable areas, numerous gear and food preparations, and the hours of hiking with a weighted pack. A particular event that contributed to the preparations of this hunt took place a month before we departed.