LOL, I go through that thought every time I consider a new rifle, gear or cloths. But then I got back to what I already have.
Many of us live in different parts of this country, we hunt in different terrain. we have different hunting styles. What works for one hunter may not work for another.
Where I hunt- in the thick woods of NE. My shots aren't very far. A long distance rifle serves me no purpose. I'm not into the new fandangle stuff that comes out every year. I've checked them out in the stores. I'm sure some of the new cloths/ gear is wonderful. But my wool jacket, buck knife and lever action has yet to let me down. If I had an issue with my gear/ cloths, maybe I would look for something new. Otherwise I'm just burning money. Actually, my wool hunting coat is a bit tight now, so I'm shopping for a new wool hunting coat. I guess I'm an old school hunter.
Every one is different and have their own requirements or needs. It's your money, spend it the way you like.