Sevr Broadheads

I've killed 3 bulls with the 1.5's at distances of 8 yards, 63 yards, 55 yards. None went more than 100 yards and were all dead pretty quickly. Also killed a nice mule deer at 40 yards. He went 99 yards and piled up.

I'm going to keep rolling these things out until they give me a reason not to.
I shot a mule deer at 76, quartering away, entered angled back and blew through the off side shoulder, pass through, dead in 20 yards. Caribou at 70, complete pass through, dead in 15 yards. Bull elk quartering to a bit, 25, I think it did deflect a little and ended up pushing back but still penetrated to the nock, ran 75 yards. All sevr 2.0, but I do shoot a heavier arrow and DW.
They work well. Have seen two elk killed with them one last year at 40 ish yards and this year at 74 from a 70lb bow. Both dead within 100 yards or so.
My Sevr dilemma…

I was broadhead tuning several weeks ago and shot a sever 1.5 from 60 yards into a Haybale. It bounced completely off the bale and came 5 feet back. I did not hit a string on the bale. I presume it did this because it was in practice mode and the wings stay engaged reducing penetration. But hay?

Do you think this is normal and has no reflection of what the Broadhead would be in hunting mode?

26” DL, 72lbs, 450gr arrow. 252 FPS

I killed my old this year with the fix blade after losing confidence in the sever. But it was in my number to spot with the setscrew removed 😉
Very first shot with mine this year 80 yards into a high roller and it bounced off. I did have the blades locked down on that one 28.5 75lbs 462 gr with the 1.75's have shot a couple with the blades not locked down from 40-60 yards and penetrated the target but not like I thought it would've. I lost some confidence after seeing the results. Have been wondering if others had the same results into foam
Shot the 1.5s at 2 animals this year.

Antelope had complete pass through at 80 and then another at 108. He died right there so only went about 30 yards.

I shot my bull with a fixed blade first shot, and then the two follow up arrows were both SEVR 1.5s. Both arrows were quartering away, one pretty heavy at about 40 yards. Both arrows completely penetrated through the body cavity with one hanging out just in front of his front shoulder. Bull only went about 80 yards in total. To be fair the first shot was a double lung at 20 yards, so he was a dead bull walking. It was raining and since I was able to get more arrows in the bull I was going to do it.

Both animals died in sight so didn’t really assess blood trail. Best outcome though if you ask me. I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot them at anything.
I shoot expandable and fixed both. It's my expandable of choice but mostly use it on whitetails. My experience has been great compared to every other expandable I've tried. They've worked as advertised everytime and being all titanium, they are insanely durable. I did shoot a mature midwest whitetail at 27yds with the sevr 2.0, busted through one rib, hit the opposite rib and stopped without a pass through (72lb, 505gr arrow). The 1.5 has given me (3) pass throughs on whitetail so far but no shot was over 15yds... if I want penetration a fixed is king but this head is my #1 for thin skinned game. I wouldn't be afraid to use it on an elk but when I'm chasing elk, i prefer a fixed head.
I was wondering if you sharpened them from the factory? I was a little disappointed they wouldn’t shave hair out of the box, but after a couple passes through my worksharp they shaved hair no problem. I don’t understand why havalon blades come about as sharp as possible, but most broadhead blades I have seen need touched up. I guess it is cost prohibitive for most broadhead companies to send them razor sharp, although that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
I made a similar shot on a calf and the blood trail was insane compared to other shots I have made with fixed three blade heads.
Congrats on your bull!

Yes, I did sharpen them.
I'm the same, if a BH isn't hair poppin' sharp out of the package, then I sharpen them.
I find it rare these days to buy BH's and have them be as sharp as I want. I don't have experience with a ton of BH's, but Muzzy 3 blade replacements, G5 Montecs, Sevr 1.5's, and G5 Deadmeats that I've had experience with all needed touched up IMO. The Deadmeats weren't terrible, probably the sharpest of the bunch out of the package, but I still touched them up.
Everyone has their own opinion on them. Like others have said, watch YouTube and do some research. They are probably the best IMO that I’ve seen but I still only trust fixed blade.
I like the 2.0, I shot a bear this spring and it went 3or4 yards. I’ve never had any problems with penetration into foam in practice mode.
Shot a nice whitetail and bighorn ram last year with them. Very short runs after getting shot. This with the 1.5" titanium. Trying a 1.75" this fall. Expect them to do fine again.
I have seen broadhead tests where they shoot the sevr into cinder block and the tip comes out looking pretty good. Apparently they don’t fare as well against granite. This was the head that hit rock after passing through an elk. Based on my draw length, draw weight, arrow weight and how much energy was left over after passing through, I think I would be better off with the 2.0s. I have a half dozen or so new 1.5s I am thinking about selling for around $10 each. Send me a pm if interested.
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Im a big fan of the 2.0 I shoot 70 lbs and aluminum arrows with that head. Have blown through every whitetail and pig I have shot with them. Personally I take the blades out and sharpen them up. I have not hunted anything bigger then whitetails with them, Im planning on a few hunts out west and I am going to use day six arrows and a serv 1.5
Lost a bull 4 days ago shooting the 1.5. 28 yds bull was 1/4 to me. Perfect shot just behind the shoulder on his left side. Bull ran 50ish and stopped. No blood was seen on his right side. When he turned to run there was dinner plate side blood on his left side.

Followed his down hill tracks for 100-150 yds. No blood. Grid searched for 5 hours, nada.

Shot was w a raven r29x, 450 gn arrow at 440 fps. Should have knocked him off his feet.
Lost a bull 4 days ago shooting the 1.5. 28 yds bull was 1/4 to me. Perfect shot just behind the shoulder on his left side. Bull ran 50ish and stopped. No blood was seen on his right side. When he turned to run there was dinner plate side blood on his left side.

Followed his down hill tracks for 100-150 yds. No blood. Grid searched for 5 hours, nada.

Shot was w a raven r29x, 450 gn arrow at 440 fps. Should have knocked him off his feet.
Were you shooting a crossbow? I didn't think a vertical bow could shoot an arrow that fast. Sorry you couldn't find him.
Were you shooting a crossbow? I didn't think a vertical bow could shoot an arrow that fast. Sorry you couldn't find him.
Yes sir, car crash let me disabled for shooting a compound. Shot the bull with a raven 29x. Should have knocked that bull off his feet. Spent another 4 hours in the same drainage today. Thought the birds might show me the way.
Dang. Sorry to hear. I wonder if the 1.5 traveled so fast through it that the blades didn’t have time to properly open and create a big wound channel. 440 is smoking fast. Im thinking the 1.5 had a similar affect as a field point because of size and speed. Hope the birds lead you to him if he’s dead.
Lost a bull 4 days ago shooting the 1.5. 28 yds bull was 1/4 to me. Perfect shot just behind the shoulder on his left side. Bull ran 50ish and stopped. No blood was seen on his right side. When he turned to run there was dinner plate side blood on his left side.

Followed his down hill tracks for 100-150 yds. No blood. Grid searched for 5 hours, nada.

Shot was w a raven r29x, 450 gn arrow at 440 fps. Should have knocked him off his feet.

Quartering to may have resulted in only one lung being hit. They can go a long time on one lung, and even live in some cases.
I was talking with the meat cutter that cut up my bull this year. He said that he shot a bull with a rifle last year and found a broadhead in it. He showed it to me and it was a Sevr 1.5". He said it had hit the bull low and it looked like one blade had nicked the bottom of both lungs, then stopped in the far side shoulder. The broadhead had about 4" of arrow still attached to it, the rest of the arrow was gone. He said the lungs looked healed over and the bull was acting perfectly fine when he shot it. He said the wound looked like it was that year it had been hit, archery season runs the month before rifle here. The bull also had a .30 caliber slug all mushroomed out in one of its hind quarters. They are very tough animals.

And, a .300 win mag has tons more energy and doesn't "knock them off their feet" in many instances, a crossbow bolt certainly isn't going to unless the spine is hit or a head shot or something. I wouldn't count on a crossbow bolt knocking an animal down except in very rare instances.