Sevr broadheads

I liver shot a buck ... little to no blood at all. .... I have heard similar stories from others shooting this head

I’m not sure a liver shot produces much blood regardless of the head, unless you sever (no pun intended) its connecting vessels.

My doubt with 2-blades is that the entry/exit holes are linear slits unlike a 3- or 4-blade. I think this makes them more prone to close.

That being said, the Sevr is the most enticing 2-blade I’ve seen.

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@Gumbo and @RosinBag keep us posted. I picked up a pack of Spitfire Maxx’s today, but I will sit on them pending more Sevr testing from y’all.

Sevr Broadheads Day 1:

Shot the Sevr 1.5s today for the first time along with Ramcat Diamondbacks (which I have been using for the last two seasons). It was pretty windy (about a 15 mph crosswind that would shift occasionally to a tailwind) so it wasn't a great day for testing because I was blowing around pretty good. But the Sevrs seemed to hit in roughly the same vertical plane (as best as I could tell) as my field tips at 70' and about 3 inches left (the direction the wind was blowing. They seemed to be a little more forgiving and produce tighter groups than the Ramcats, which seemed more affected by the wind. But again, it was tough to tell much because of the conditions, and I was shooting an old beat-up Block that didn't have a spot to aim at so I was shooting center of mass, which isn't the best test either. I do think the Ramcats penetrated significantly better though, which I was a little disappointed in, but not surprised.

Arrow build: 455 gr total, 28" C to C BE Rampage, 4-fletch Vanetec Vmax (no wrap), approx 2-3* RH, 75 gr HIT, 100 gr tips, X nock

Bows: 28 1/4" draw, about 71 pounds, Reign 7 and Reckoning

Will post more results soon.
I’m not sure a liver shot produces much blood regardless of the head, unless you sever (no pun intended) its connecting vessels.

My doubt with 2-blades is that the entry/exit holes are linear slits unlike a 3- or 4-blade. I think this makes them more prone to close.

That being said, the Sevr is the most enticing 2-blade I’ve seen.

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I agree man not great placement at all, season before last I shot a good buck in the shoulder knuckle/ball whatever you want to call it, the buck ran off with the arrow and no penetration snapped on a tree and what I found was the threads of the head snapped off in my axis hit insert and cracked the end of the arrow, paranoid of repeating the same senario I held on three deer this year in the kill zone and aimed back a touch resulting in 3 liver shots one was an afflictor and there was plenty of blood to follow but no need I watched him tip 100+ yards away, second was a viper trick I followed decent blood for maybe 250-300 yards then lost it and got the deer the next day maybe 4-500 yards from last blood caretaker on neighboring property found him he went a long way which I’m not proud of, last was a Sevr virtually no blood but it didn’t make it 60 yards, out of all the shots the Sevr had the least blood but shortest retrieval. All my arrows have footers now and hopefully I don’t have the issue again this year.
How many rubber bands come with each individual head you order? I was gonna order a few of each head to test them out, and also bands, but just noticed the rubber bands are model specific
They should have made the 1.7 in the TI like the rest of them.

The blade swinging out of the way concerns me. What happens when extended blade now hits something solid at the new flat blade angle.
Seems like when it all works it will work spectacularly. And when it fails it will fail spectacularly as well.
I’m going to be trying them out this year. Picked up 3 of the 2.1s, going to run them on antelope and deer. I like the design and don’t see a problem with the bands, they have recessed notches for them to sit in and you can bend them a lot before they break. So far they spin and fly great out to 60 yards (max distance I can get in my yard), and set screw for practice is awesome.
As far as the blood trails, hopefully will see in a little over a week for NV Archery antelope. Any liver shot/high lung isn’t going to produce a lot of blood with any broad head, they will just bleed into the abdominal cavity. All that being said, I still run fixed for elk.
Do you all sharpen the blades? I picked up a couple of the 2.1 heads last year and they weren't as sharp as I'd prefer. It was tedious but I was able to sharpen them all. Plus, I touched up the tip of the ferrules so they were scary. Seriously, you have to be very careful handling the heads or they will cut you. Only shot one deer (whitetail) last year with the 2.1 but that buck only went 30-40 yds and the blood trail was good. I couldn't have asked for more.
So far this year I've been super impressed with the Sevr 1.5 heads. They fly great (no surprise) and penetration is very good for a mech head. I shot an antelope at 35 yards bedded and got a pass through and he went about 100 yards, which is no surprise based on the shot location and species.

The next day I shot a huge bodied whitetail at 64 yards on a very strongly quartering to shot. I compensated for the heavy angle by aiming just inside the front right shoulder. The arrow hit perfectly and penetrated about 20", driving through the shoulder muscle and lungs. The deer went about 50 yards. Before the ethics police rip me for this shot just be aware I'm not bragging or condoning the shot, but I took it and that is that. I am now reporting the results because others might be interested in the outcome when deciding on these heads. For me, this was a big confidence booster in terms of shots that go south with this head.

Blades fully deployed on both shots, remained deployed, no blades were damaged, the head remained perfectly intact, and there was no deflection on a long-range shot at a strong angle. Based on the results I'm planning on trying these out on an elk in the next couple weeks, provided of course the elk cooperate.
i killed an antelope and an elk with the 2.1 this year. Same head, just changed the blades after the antelope.
Both double lung shots.
Antelope-71 yards, pass through, arrow holding on by fletchings on opposite side. Died in sight.
Elk-28 yards, no pass through, hit a rib square on the opposite side and stopped the arrow. Was a little disappointed by that but the broadhead did its job. Didnt have great blood but good enough to follow in the dark by head lamp. He went about 150-170 yards.
Bowtech Reign 7, 71lbs, 490 grain arrow.
Killed my bull with a Sevr 1.5. 8 yards broadside shooting a 62lb bow 27.5" draw 325 IBO 430gr total arrow weight. Haven't chrono'd it. Arrow buried up to the fletchings and stopped. He was still standing stupid so put another 2 arrows with Slick Tricks in him. Slick Tricks got similar penetration. He went 50 yards and crashed, was over very fast. Will run both heads for my late Sept hunt.
I decided to run the sevr 1.5” 125’s this year for muledeer. I had exceptional downrange accuracy out to 110 yards the difference between them and field tips was minor enough that I personally couldn’t shoot well enough to tell a difference so I would say 1.5 yards or less difference on my sight tape at 100. I didn’t have much luck with muledeer and didn’t even go on a stock before I headed to MT for elk. In the chaos of getting everything packed for the 10 day elk hunt I forgot to switch out my sevr’s in the quiver for iron wills like I’d planned. I honestly wasn’t too bothered by this little mishap and figured it would be a good test for the little mechs. I got the opportunity to run one through a spike at 52 yards on a quartering to shot. Arrow penetration was good and buried in about 22”. We gave him a half hour or so and even though we had a good idea of where he would be I I wanted to check out the blood trail. The blood trail was about what you’d expect for a 1.5” 2 blade with only one hole. It wasn’t hard to follow but at the same time you had to search around every 3-5 yards for the drops (I’d say it was about the same as a 1 hole fixed blade blood trail). The elk went 80-100 yards and piled up. Arrow was still stuck in so that could be part of the reason the blood trail was just decent. Shot hit heart, a lung, and went into the guts before stopping. My setup was a Mathews traverse 28”/70# with a black eagle x impact with FACT components that weighs 480gr. Pulled the arrow and everything was still perfect, no bent blades or nicks, blades were still sharp enough that I could have shot that same arrow again. This is a long winded story to say that I was pleased with the performance and wouldn’t hesitate to use it again or recommend to friends shooting the proper setup for it. I’ll post a couple pictures
The only thing I dont like is the tabs infront of the cutting edge. Why couldnt they recess those tabs 1/8 of inch .
I shot the Ulmer Edge for a while and had no issues on a few animals, in fact contrary to other statements in here, the best blood trail I had was a quartering away bull. I'm probably picking up some SEVRs for next year.

All I can really offer is that shot placement and selection is far more important than the broadhead you shoot.
Killed a whitetail doe tonight with the 100 grain 2.1” Sevr. Broadside, 20 yards, pass through. Exit hole was 2”+ and broke part of the scapula. Ran downhill about 100 yards and piled up.

Prime CT3, 28” draw, 78#, Day Six 300 with 150 grains up front. Arrow speed 270 fps.
Shot my first bull elk with them this year. Shot him at 44 yards and he ran another 60 yards and piled up. I’m shooting a prime ct3 at 28&1/2 inches shooting 28 inch FMJ’s with the 1.5 inch 100gr head. I haven’t used them on any other game yet. Hope that helps....