Sevr 2.0 insane wound


Dec 10, 2015
I didn’t take pictures of this because honestly it was a little gross LOL. I’ve killed a bunch of animals with Sevr’s and really like them, but I have never seen something like this!
Last night I was set up in a makeshift little ground setup on a little coulee that feeds up to a winter wheat field. It’s a really good travel corridor. It was my last day of hunting before having to get back to work so I had decided I was going to shoot any legal animal that presented a shot. Just before dark a spot a couple of does working up the coulee. I’m praying a buck is in tow, but alas it was just the does.
The bigger of the does is going to cross a shooting lane at 30 yards. As she walks behind a cedar I come to full draw. She steps clear and WHACK! My shot looked low and a little back. She hunched up and didn’t run, my heart sank thinking I’ve made a bad shot or I had just gut shot her. I was getting another arrow knocked as she walks away from me. I range her at 50 yards, she has stopped and is hard quartering away. I had to get another arrow in her so I steady my 50 pin and release. The shot was just slightly right of where I was aiming and center punches her rear quarter.
I’ve never seen so much bright bright red blood escape from an archery shot deer! I immediately guessed I hit her femoral artery. She didn’t run or anything, just stood there, blood gushing. Then, the blood turned dark and brownish. She took several steps and as she did brownish yellow was coming out of the wound in her rear quarter. She went maybe 20 yards and then laid down and expired.
When I got up to her, I realized the arrow had driven up through her hind quarter, up into her guts, and it was stomach matter, etc. that was expelling from her wound…
I felt bummed for not making a clean lethal shot on her, but relieved that she didn’t suffer long.
The 2” Sevr damn near cut her rear quarter in half and the would opened a channel all the up to the diaphragm. I know no one would ever intentionally shoot an animal like that, but I was pretty shocked at the amount of damage/ trauma that broadhead did.

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Shot a Doe just last weekend here at home. Whitetail Doe
2.0 Sevr also.
I was really happy with the blood trail I got as it had rained for about 2 days straight and I knew trailing might be an issue.
Shot hit just a bit back as she was quartering more than I had thought originally.
Shot was at 22 yards.
She ran 50 and piled up.
Standing up I could easily see the blood trail while walking even in piles of wet leaves that were on the ground.
When I got up to where she fell it looked like something from a horror movie.
Never seen so much blood from a bow kill ever, and I have taken my fair share of deer with all kinds of BH.
For me with whitetail these are my new favorites.
Tough way for her to go man but it happens. Still better than being eaten alive by wolves or coyotes.

I use the Sevr 1.5s and they’ve done a good job killing both deer i shot this year but honestly it’s a good thing i’m a proficient tracker as the blood was not great. Was thinking of bumping up to 1.75s or 2.0s to get better blood.
what bow and arrow specs are you running to get that kind of penetration with the 2.0?

Prime Black 5, 70lbs. at 29.5" draw. Arrows are Black Eagle Spartan 300, with stainless steel inserts and 50gr brass, plus 125gr head. Total arrow weight just a touch over 500 grains.
I shoot the 2.0's at everything, and the damage has been consistently really, really good. Here's an antelope buck, quartered away, entrance right side last rib, exit offside shoulder, 64 yards.


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So you had to shoot a doe twice with those heads and you are impressed?
Or am I missing something? Did you get a pass through?

Just saying, I shot a bull elk with a thunderhead and that bull took about 8 steps and fell over dead in about 6 seconds. Complete pass through.....arrow buried in the dirt. Plus, those Thunderheads shoot exactly like my FP's at 60y. 6 for $37 on Amazon
So you had to shoot a doe twice with those heads and you are impressed?
Or am I missing something? Did you get a pass through?

Just saying, I shot a bull elk with a thunderhead and that bull took about 8 steps and fell over dead in about 6 seconds. Complete pass through.....arrow buried in the dirt. Plus, those Thunderheads shoot exactly like my FP's at 60y. 6 for $37 on Amazon

I made 2 marginal shots in the heat of the moment, and was shocked at the trauma the broadhead caused, thats all. I'm not saying or making any claims about one head being better than another or anything, it was just an interesting wound and circumstance.
I love archery in all forms, and I have shot all sorts of broadheads over the years, and I've killed a bunch of big game animals with everything from Bear Razorheads, Zwickeys, STOS, homemade trade points, Snuffers, Magnus, Cutthroats, Muzzys, G5 Strykers, Rage, and Sevrs.
So you had to shoot a doe twice with those heads and you are impressed?
Or am I missing something? Did you get a pass through?

Just saying, I shot a bull elk with a thunderhead and that bull took about 8 steps and fell over dead in about 6 seconds. Complete pass through.....arrow buried in the dirt. Plus, those Thunderheads shoot exactly like my FP's at 60y. 6 for $37 on Amazon

And congrats on the bull, those thunderheads are a great and iconic broadhead and have killed probably millions of animals over the years!
And congrats on the bull, those thunderheads are a great and iconic broadhead and have killed probably millions of animals over the years!

But those would be the last heads I'd use. NAP being outsourced have taken a nose-dive. That and your bow better be ultratuned to shoot those. Thunderheads were the reason most people had to number their arrows.