Figured this was a good time to add in my setup notes. If anyone sees anything wrong with these, let me know and I'll edit.
One quick note - there are some people that say the notes on left/right rest movement would be backwards (There's an infamous, old thread on AT that recommends the opposite....) I'm not ruling that out 100%, but I've never once encountered it....
Also - these are mainly centered around Hybrids like Hoyts, but there's also bullets in here about shimming cams or cranking in/out a flex guard like you have on a Prime...
One more - I prefer not to untwist cables / strings where possible because you can get serving separation. I prefer to tighten.
Buss cable - Yokes on Top, One Loop On Bottom - a twist in the buss cable advances the top cam (makes it hit sooner), it lengthens draw length, decreases ATA and increases letoff/valley (assuming timing was even before the twist).
Control cable - One Loop On Bottom and Top - a twist in the control cable slows down the top cam, shortens draw length. It’s effect on ATA, valley and letoff are dependent on the others.
String - a twist in the string shortens draw length, valley and decreases letoff. It plays a role in ATA and draw weight but it is secondary to to the buss.
All - a twist out produces the opposite effect.
Paper, Bare Shaft and Broadhead Tuning
Note - For a right handed shooter! Some may change if you're a southpaw...
Nock Left - Broadhead Misses Right
* Broadhead hitting right is the same as bareshafts hitting right or a tail left tear.
* Tighten Left Yoke
* Loosen Right Yoke
* Rest Right
* Spine too Weak
* Shim Cam(s) to the Left
* Crank flex guard out for less sideways string pressure / less string clearance.
Nock Right - Broadhead misses Left
* Broadhead hitting left is the same as bareshafts hitting left or a tail right tear.
* Tighten Right Yoke
* Loosen Left Yoke
* Rest Left
* Spine too Stiff
* Shim Cam(s) to the Right
* Crank down flex guard for more sideways string pressure / more string clearance.
Nock High - Broadhead Misses Low
* Visualize an arrow pointed down - it will miss low as a bare shaft or broadhead
* Raise the rest up to correct
* Or, lower nocking point & D-loop
* Or, tighten control cable to bring bottom cam ahead
* Or, lengthen buss cable to bring top cam back towards even or hitting behind bottom cam
Nock Low - Broadhead Misses High
* Visualize an arrow pointed up - it will miss high as a bare shaft or broadhead
* Lower the rest down to correct
* Or, raise nocking point & D-loop
* Or, tighten buss cable to bring top cam ahead
* Or, loosen control cable to bring bottom cam behind