Seekins pic ring issues


Mar 28, 2018
I have Seekins pic rings on some rifles and I came across a comment by Form about them having issues,

"Just as an FYI- Seekins rings (and likewise the Vortex versions) show issues with drops. Not saying that’s the issue, just that scopes relatively often lose zero from drops with them, yet don’t with other standard Pic rings."

Form, you mentioned the Seekins rings are suspect after being dropped. Is there a hack to eliminate this issue or is it just a bad design/machining?
Have you had issues with them personally?

I used a pair on my 338 RUM for a few years and despite shooting 285-300 gr projectiles, I didn't experience a wandering zero.
Have you had issues with them personally?

I used a pair on my 338 RUM for a few years and despite shooting 285-300 gr projectiles, I didn't experience a wandering zero.
I have not had any issues to date. Reading the comment from Form made me wonder if it was a common issue