- Joined
- Aug 28, 2021
Also looking to buy a new rifle. Great info thank you
What round did you land on ? My 6.5prc Havak Element loves the Berger 156 (about 2800 fps suppressed) and throttles Deer.I have my newest rifle on order. I do not reload (yet) so those of you with a Seekins, tell me what factory ammo you use that shoots the best. I switched to copper bullets a few years ago, NOT for any hippy California Condor reasons as my buddies like to berate me for, but because the meat loss from blood shot when my aim is not perfect and creeps into the shoulder has been fantastic compared to lead core bullets I've used in the past. I bought some Nosler 120 gr E-tip, Barnes 127 gr LRX and Hornady 130 gr CX to test out when the rifle get here, but am open to others. Now is also the time to sell me on why the 143 ELD-X is the best thing to happen to the modern world as I am possibly open to trying that or others.
Had some self induced issues, mainly with my grip, that lead to large groups during testing. I got a little more in depth in this thread round did you land on ? My 6.5prc Havak Element loves the Berger 156 (about 2800 fps suppressed) and throttles Deer.
What were entry/exit holes like? Would like to hear more about the performance of this bullet. I like the Bergers and eldm, but on smaller game I’m leaning towards more of a bonded type bullet for less meat damage.I’m still a big fan of the 130 terminal ascent. Getting right around 2980-3k in the element and it has taken 2 antelope and 4 deer this year. Bullet has done great each time.
Here’s a 10 shot group.
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This is the only pic of a carcass that I took with the bullet. I really like the performance of the bullet. Limited exposure so far, but in ~5 deer and 1 antelope, all bullets were pass through with more organ damage than equivalent accubonds or TTSXs I have used in the past but less meat damage then an ELDM/X. Longest shot was wife's antelope at 530 and bullet performed great. Dad's doe was shot a bit back on the first shot, she hunched big time and was able to hobble 40-50 yards before a better placed shot finished her. 2 of the 5 deer were bang, flop, 1 made it 15 yards, 1 was hit a bit back and required a second shot, and one had a hard quartering away shot.What were entry/exit holes like? Would like to hear more about the performance of this bullet. I like the Bergers and eldm, but on smaller game I’m leaning towards more of a bonded type bullet for less meat damage.
Agree with you - ELD/Berger bullets work great with broadside shots and I don't argue their lethality... but angles or less then perfect shots introduce a lot of meat damage sub 2-300 yards as you said. My wife's muley this year was shot with a 7 PRC ELDx at 720 yards and the bullet behaved quite well at that distance and it was a solid bang-flop with no unnecessary tissue damage. My muley was about 80 yards hard quartering away with the same eldx and I essentially lost the off shoulder. Deer died good tho.@rileybassman thank you for the detailed response. That’s actually a pretty solid exit hole! And I agree - I like both types of bullets and they each have their place. I’m leaning towards the terminal ascent, or the federal fusion tipped for smaller game inside 300. I’ve heard good things about both - great expansion, accurate, but doesn’t leave an absolute mess. I ruined an elk shoulder last year with a Berger and now I’m a little gun shy about using high frag bullets. Sure, they kill super effectively (she ran maybe 10 yards), but the internal damage and potential for meat loss is really high. Trying to find that perfect ‘happy medium’ bullet. Sierra Game Changers are on my list to try as well. Similar cup and core design as ELDX, but had a thicker copper jacket, so should grenade less.