Seam sealing new seek outside cimarron


Apr 12, 2020
Anyone have some tips on seam sealing?
Planning to buy a little brush to help apply the seam sealant that came with the tent. I don’t want to set up the tent outside, so was planning on just laying the seams on my kitchen table and doing one at a time until they dry and I can move to the next one. Will this work?
Finally, do I seal the inside seams, outside seams, or both?
You'll end up with a seam glued to the tent fabric unless you are only doing 24" at a time. In which case you'll have your tent on the table for the better part of a week......

It's your shelter, so do as you please, but you are going to end up with it glued together.

Outside seams, you'll only have enough sealer to do the outside. Set it up outside. OR, if you don't mind the smell of the sealant I suppose you could set it up in the house, if you have enough open floor space.

If you are going to use a brush you will need to cut the sealant a bit with mineral spirits so it is spreadable.
You need to stretch the seams your sealing either way you go. I need to get mine sealed
You will get get the best results with it set up. As mentioned above the seams should be taught. And cutting the silicone sealant makes it way easier to spread. Also helps to clean the seams with a little rubbing alcohol and let dry before applying the sealer. I waited for the silicone to set up then hung the tent from a hook in the garage ceiling for a couple days to really cure.
I have sealed three shelters and each time it has become easier. Definitely worth doing on my own and spend the savings in other gear. The keys are: set it up tightly, thin with mineral spirits, take your time, have a cloth to wipe errant drips, let it cure. I typically set min up in the garage with duct tape for stakes.
I prefer taught seams and thinned with a foam brush . you will hardly see it.

That being said, at the factory, we put it on thick so people notice it , because if it is thinned and super clean people wonder if it is done.

Both ways are correct
I just did my new cimarron in the front yard. I had a breeze and it made for a real fun 1.5 hours. Silicone and a moving target is a bit tricky. Choose a calm day for best results.
I put up my SO tipi inside out so the the outside seams were easy to reach standing INSIDE the tipi.
I did my Redcriff on the table inside. I used spring clamps to stretch it some and hold it taught. It did take some time but it has held up flawlessly since I did it. Not sure how long ago it was but it was one of the first Redcliffs sold and I use it a lot.
I stretched my courthouse out in the garage with about 20 bungie cords. Focused on the left side of the tent. Let it dry for 2 days rehung and applied to the right side of the tent. Worked great. Still have to do the zipper seams.
I set mine up inside out on the second half so I could reach everything easier from the inside. I ran out of seam sealer halfway through and had to order more.
Anyone have some close up pics of a sealed seam? Do you cover just the thread or also the little ‘lip’?
I had one tent that the PO had factory seam sealed by Seek Outside. I was unimpressed by the workmanship. It was thick and uglier then any of tents I've done. Kevin just explained it, they try to make it noticeable to people dont complain. Unfortunately it makes the owner of the tent look like a hack.
Anyone have some close up pics of a sealed seam? Do you cover just the thread or also the little ‘lip’?
Thread holes and the tiny gap between the two pieces of material. I'm assuming thats what you are calling the little "lip"