Seal Finger / Bear Finger....A Cautionary Tale.

I had similar thing happen to me after cutting myself while skinning a brown bear back in 2008 on kodiak
took almost 2 months for doctors to figure it out
by then had to do surgery to clean out infection
had to stick gauze in wound everyday to prevent it from healing inside out
I had similar thing happen to me after cutting myself while skinning a brown bear back in 2008 on kodiak
took almost 2 months for doctors to figure it out
by then had to do surgery to clean out infection
had to stick gauze in wound everyday to prevent it from healing inside out
I feel your pain. It really sucked. Every day I am thankful I figured out what the doctor's couldn't, and that I still have a thumb.
Uhg that’s rough!! Seen this on charter boat captains before as well. Seasonal income. The dudes just keep fishing and hope for the best. Glad yours is improving! Thanks for sharing this!