After 7 years, finally drew a good Western SD antelope tag. Anyone have any SD public antelope stories they are willing to share?
I have shot a few. I hunt up in Corson County. Have a buddy that ranches out there. I'm from Watertown. I know, not much of a story but I figured I'd chime in!After 7 years, finally drew a good Western SD antelope tag. Anyone have any SD public antelope stories they are willing to share?
Nice buck and good memories with your child! We deer hunt out there quite a bit. I know getting private mule deer ground is tough, however I am hoping most ranchers and farmers are a little bit easier on the goats. If not our unit has a significant amount of public. Thanks for sharing!I went last year, 1st day was crowded, day 2 I was by myself. Took this buck with my 6 year old in tow
After I took my buck the boy and I took a trip over to Rushmore to fill the rest of day 2. Morning of day 3 as I was packing up a rancher pulls up and asks if I had tagged my buck. I told him I had and he said “good for you, but if you hadn’t I was gonna offer to let you hunt my place” turned out he was originally from the town where I live now in Idaho. Real nice guy, said he had seen me and the kid out tromping the public and wanted to help us out. So be prepared for opening day crowding on public, but also be prepared to meet some great people and enjoy your time out there in the prairies. Oh and make sure you zip up your tent, even on a bluebird day a storm can move in fast in all seriousness we had pretty severe thunder storms each night while we were there.
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There’s goats up that way?I have shot a few. I hunt up in Corson County. Have a buddy that ranches out there. I'm from Watertown. I know, not much of a story but I figured I'd chime in!
There's a few, definitely not like out west farther. One year I was out there I was chasing a herd of about 100 of them, that was the most I've ever seen in that countyThere’s goats up that way?
We are hunting on the far western side of the state.
I’m down in southwest SDHaven't for years but building points again. Grew up in Sturgis so hunted them a lot in Meade and Butte counties growing up. Don't even know what the herd looks like any more. Saw a few in July when I was up there, but nothing huge. Can't help you out with private and don't know what unit you are in but as you probably already know, tons of walk-in. Thankfully I still have a few private ranches to hunt. You might try and knock on a few doors as well. A lot of those folks aren't necessarily bitten by the pay to hunt bug yet and most don't really like goats in my limited experience.
Down in SW SD. Best available for me and my buddy is opening week. Thanks!Assuming your tag is in the NW, I think you'd be wasting your time knocking on doors. There's tons of public and goats are easy to kill if you can shoot. My advice is to skip the first week of the season. I took a buddy out archery hunting second week of October last year and we probably saw 5x more pronghorn than deer on public. Didn't see a single pronghorn hunter either.
Never hunted goats there, but brother used to live in Hot Springs and we hunted deer all over that area. Really can't speak to the goat population down there, but just look at that walk in atlas and pick a spot.I’m down in southwest SD
Thanks, haven’t scored it but it’s a trophy for me!Yeah, they probably shouldn't have given out as many tags as they did for that unit this year, but antelope numbers were not as bad as I feared. I chose an area I could get away from people. I did hear a shot way off, but I never saw a hunter on the ground anywhere near me. Hopefully if you draw that tag again it will be on a good year. I don't think SD is known to put out trophies, but that area is sure a ton of fun with plenty of public land. And good quality public at that. The one you killed sure looks like a trophy to me. Congratulations.
I agree with you here; had a great time, but a 90/10 split would be nice.Looks like 400 R and only 8 NR. Definitely could do more NR. As a resident, I would be fine with the typical 90/10 split. 371R and 37 NR. At least in the western units. The central and eastern units should stay mostly resident. I'm not sure why a NR would want a tag in a unit that only gives out 15 tags anyway.
I'm glad the state goes for opportunity. It might be cool to see a single unit managed for trophies such as 35a. Thankfully Wyoming isn't that hard to get tags in trophy managed units.