Scope Throw Levers, Yes or No?

I started using them on my range rifles, and have really gotten used to them. I bought a new scope for a hunting rifle this winter and the magnification ring spins so far it’s not possible to use a throw lever without interfering with the bolt handle. I Did not anticipate it being a big deal, but I really find myself missing the throw lever. I love almost everything else about the scope, had a hard time finding the right scope, but if I had it all to do over again I would choose a different scope just for that reason. If it still seems like a big deal after next fall, well, maybe that scope will be for sale!
If I were a manufacturer selling a damn $500+ scope, I'd ship it with a screw inserted flush into the throw lever hole and ship a goddamn 50 cent throw lever with it. For the love of christ man.
I have a scope that is pretty easy to adjust in normal temps, but gets really stiff when it is cold. i may have to try a throw lever on it.