Scope leveling

For all of your ramblings and claims of shooting high power you should easily understand the concept of shooting a rifle with cant and how easily shooting with cant can be overcome and easily dealt with. You should also understand that the correction isn’t all that much and can be ignored for quite some distance.
I wish you understood basic geometry, It is not just straight lines. You have the line of the barrel, the line of the sight, the line of the bullet fall due to gravity and the arc of trajectory. Look at all four of these on vertical and horizontal planes. You could add in spin drift but lets make it more complicated. This study is called "Application of Fire", once you understand all the principals it will become clear. There is a nice treatsie on the subject that was published in a book titled "The Rifle In War" by Henry E. Eames and published by the U. S. Cavalry Association at Fort Leavenworth in 1908. A good companion to this is the War Department publication Musketry published in 1917. Spit that wad of tobacco out of the corner of your mouth, clear your head, do some research and think about the relationships of all of the lines/arcs involved.


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I wish you understood basic geometry,
I fully understand "geometry". I use it practically everyday and have since high school where I learned the concepts of "geometry". I also fully understand how geometry is applied to the subject of firearms and their trajectories.
I fully understand "geometry". I use it practically everyday and have since high school where I learned the concepts of "geometry". I also fully understand how geometry is applied to the subject of firearms and their trajectories.
Super, read the books focused entirely on external ballistics financed by the US Gov over 100 years ago. Don't give us your "I think, I feel, I believe" logical. That just gets us to the point where you say "that's bulls**t" when we don't just swallow your arguments. Back your claims with document able, proven facts. Otherwise, you are just another mouth breathing tobacco spitter.
Super, read the books focused entirely on external ballistics financed by the US Gov over 100 years ago. Don't give us your "I think, I feel, I believe" logical. That just gets us to the point where you say "that's bulls**t" when we don't just swallow your arguments. Back your claims with document able, proven facts. Otherwise, you are just another mouth breathing tobacco spitter.

There was a chart clearly laying out #'s, are they incorrect? If you have a point to make lets get out with it because you've said nothing of substance.

"I have a 100 year old book about rifles, go read it" and "go talk to a high power shooter with iron sights" is exactly the type of empty logic you claim to want to avoid.
Why the hell don't the scope tube's and rings have some kind of interface that makes them level? A roll pin, a key, anything. Pisses me off.
Because most of the makers don't QC close enough. If you use German scopes with dovetails on the bottoms of the tube you often end up with a canted scope. Hand fitting is the order of the day. Since most hunting shots are taken at less than 150m it's not that big of a problem.
Scope over bore error is on the chart by Wind Gypsy, with math. It is immaterial for any hunting shot, even my rare shot out to 1000.

If you don’t show the math to disprove it, you are arguing without a basis.

If you cite a century old book, upload a picture or quote the math.

This is another belief that resists modernization.
Where in the heck did I ever say or allude to this? You make no sense.

Devolving into name calling isn't and shouldn't be part of the discussion.

Aaaaannnnndddd I'm officially done with this guy. No more of this circle jerk.
There's another typical ploy used to avoid acknowledging someone knows nothing about what they are talking about.
If you use German scopes with dovetails on the bottoms of the tube you often end up with a canted scope.

One that appears canted or is actually canted? Because i have a hard time believing anyone manufacturing rifle scopes is incapable of finding where the true bottom of the tube is.
Who is passing along bad info? You or Wind Gypsy?

He posted the chart and math. Is that right or wrong?

@SchwarzStock - all these posts and you've yet to clearly explain where or what you disagree with. What is your point of contention?

Quibbling aside, please lay it out for us. Educate us. Where is the table wrong?
This argument gets repeated, but the math remains the same. Scope must be level to gravity!

A minor deviation from scope over bore is so miniscule as to be irrelevant.

Here is another thread earlier this year...
