School me on arrows!!

Dec 2, 2012
^^^^ this 100% ever since reading Dr. Ed Ashby's writings on the subject I've never understood why archers even care about KE.

Go to and do some reading of all of Mr Ashby's writings. Great stuff.


Nov 7, 2013
Moscow, ID
Really, I don't want to make anyone feel stupid (including myself). I know that I am, in fact, dumb - so take everything with a grain of salt here.

Check out this link to the KE penetrator:

This might help to explain what is going on. Notice there is no mention of momentum but there is a great deal of info about maximizing the speed, the force per unit area and maximizing the amount of mass per projectile volume.

All arrows have KE, whether heavy or light, you can't rule it out. You have to have energy to do work and it is work that does the job of cutting an arrow through an elk. What's even more confusing is that KE, momentum, work, newton's laws, etc. can all be related to each other somehow. In addition to that, it is very difficult to explain what happens to that arrow, with equations, when it hits and enters an elk (What kind of friction model do you use to start? Can you model an elk as a fluid? A plastic?).

What it comes down to is what works best in the real world. However a person wants to explain it, right or wrong, empirically we find that a heavier arrow works better on elk. That same light arrow used to create pass throughs on whitetails and turkey just ends up wounding or slowly killing an elk. How many broad heads have been found in living elk? Enough to warrant using the most lethal arrow you can for a given bow.


Apr 5, 2012
Really, I don't want to make anyone feel stupid (including myself). I know that I am, in fact, dumb - so take everything with a grain of salt here.

Check out this link to the KE penetrator:

This might help to explain what is going on. Notice there is no mention of momentum but there is a great deal of info about maximizing the speed, the force per unit area and maximizing the amount of mass per projectile volume.

All arrows have KE, whether heavy or light, you can't rule it out. You have to have energy to do work and it is work that does the job of cutting an arrow through an elk. What's even more confusing is that KE, momentum, work, newton's laws, etc. can all be related to each other somehow. In addition to that, it is very difficult to explain what happens to that arrow, with equations, when it hits and enters an elk (What kind of friction model do you use to start? Can you model an elk as a fluid? A plastic?).

What it comes down to is what works best in the real world. However a person wants to explain it, right or wrong, empirically we find that a heavier arrow works better on elk. That same light arrow used to create pass throughs on whitetails and turkey just ends up wounding or slowly killing an elk. How many broad heads have been found in living elk? Enough to warrant using the most lethal arrow you can for a given bow.

This dude words things the way I want too, but for some reason i cant get it out right! They are all kinda the same thing but just different mathmatical situations.