I'm in the same (or similar) boat as Zmonster... I'm looking for a whole bow and/or camo limbs built by Paul, preferably 70 lbs or less. ZMonster, your're a beast looking for 70-100#!
The bows mentioned on the previous posts as currently being available in the classifieds are both bows built by Dave Windauer (not originals by Paul)... Don't get me wrong, these are both great bows (I own 3 made by Dave myself), but they aren't "Originals" built by Paul which are a bit harder to find.
PredatorX - great find, I had my eyes on those also, but was hoping to find a set of camo limbs. Great weight on the RMS set you got... 63lbs, perfect!
Man I am in the same boat. Camo is hard to find. I was looking at them for a while, then I saw your thread for a set and figured I'd better not drag my feet. I only have one complete original for my weight so figured I need a backup set. I always worry about not being able to hunt with an original!
Do you guys do anything special to prolong the life? How long do you think they will last with good care? I heard there is no real good predictor as to when the glue gives up.
Paul Schafer was a great guy and did build a heck of a bow. Another fellow who is still with us and also builds great bows is Dan Toelke in Ronan Montana. I purchased a reflex-deflex longbow for my son for graduation from college. I really enjoyed shooting it and think I might have to get one for me!
PredatorX, I own one original & have a couple of friends that own 5 between them... we all hunt & shoot them a lot... never heard of or seen any glue issues. The only time I have heard or seen issues with glue delamination is if the bow was exposed to high heat (left in the sun or in a car). Myself, I just wipe it down if it gets wet or dusty and store it on my bow rack unstrung if I'm not shooting it regularly... same as all my bows. Paul's bows are very well made and I doubt you will ever have a problem as long as you take care of it. Now, I'm still a bit upset you bought those limbs on RMS... I was going to pull the trigger on them after Xmas!
Little story: Back in the '80s I knew this local guy who fancied himself a bowhunter. One day he's shooting a recurve and shows it to me. Made custom for him by some guy named Schafer in Montana. Nice bow...first checkered grip I'd ever heard of on a bow. He spent $450 on it. I liked it and proceeded to find a telephone number for Paul. Tried for 2 months to catch him at home...no dice. Never returned my call. So I called Gene Wensel and asked him if he could drop by Paul's shop and tell him to call me. Gene says sure, but Paul's the worst guy ever at calling people and dealing with the public. I'm bummed...and then he gives me a phone number to some guy named Robertson and tells me to call him. Says he's been building bows a couple of years and is getting pretty good. Bingo...a Robertson it is...and followed by over a dozen more as the years go by.
So, much later I bump into the guy who had the Schafer and ask him what became of that bow. Paul is now dead several years and a PS bow is a very collectible weapon. This guy tells me he went through a divorce and put all of his hunting junk in his brother's trashed up old single-wide trailer. Got with another woman and forgot about hunting. The brother was a real screwball who wouldn't work for a living. Ran out of propane in the winter, so pawned the Paul Schafer original for $50 and walked away. Pawn owner recalled getting $150 for it but no record of the buyer.
Made by the man himself. I grew up in the same town he did and he was indeed a legend. Always wanted one of his bows and finally had it happen by pure luck. A treasure.
They're gorgeous bows and by all accounts great shooters. I'd love to have on of the originals, and I think the current ones are great too from everything I hear. If I were to buy one though I'd really want an original.