WTB Scammer Alert

WTB ads are a full on crapshoot....on both ends. If you post them, you are asking for scammers. In a LOT of these cases, it’s pretty easy to pick them out just based on word usage.

Flip side - and this is not across the board - but I’ve noticed people posting WTB ads in a lot of cases are wanting to pay well below what you would get if you just posted the item in a WTS ad.
WTB ads attract this kind of thing, unfortunately. But even posting on a legit for sale post that you want an item can attract those types. Had a cert for 25% off a stock up for sale. Guy posts and says he wants it. A scammer hops in real quick from another account and tries to scam the dude that posted he wanted the item. Luckily, I hopped on in time, and the dude thought it was weird that I'd messaged from a different account. Be careful and be diligent.

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