SCAM Alert -- Everyone on this forum should read and heed

hehehe OP.....ask to FaceTime to see the item....

I was just thinking, no better way to get some 'cred' than to scam yourself and open a thread calling your other profile out and get someone to send you free gear........just thinking. :)
Ha, yeah man that is about as deep as these scammers go these days. Hopefully the mods have been in my profile enough in the last couple days that they are confident I'm legitimate. I failed to ask for the FaceTime to see the item until after I paid, which in hindsight was a mistake. I was just convinced enough by everything else I was seeing, and frankly the fact that the buyer was willing to use Venmo gave me some level of false assurance as well, I thought well Venmo has some fraud protection built in so that must mean he's concerned about protecting himself from a scam too. Since then I don't think the fact he asked for Venmo first means much, Venmo has more fraud protection built in than Zelle, but it doesn't appear to have nearly as much as PayPal. Which, he said he didn't have PayPal, that should have raised an alarm for me. FWIW, I did contact my bank, and they said I could open a dispute on the Zelle transaction. Will take up to 90 days to be decided they said, and my expectations are low considering it's front and center on Zelle's website that they offer fraud protection but not scam protection. Still worth a shot to ask anyway though.
People suck.
A lot of people do, no question. But the generosity that dudes on this forum are showing me tells me that at least here on this forum there are way more good dudes than shit stains.
I enjoy hearing this though, with all the bad, it's nice to be reminded how much good still exists out there.
Hell yeah man, did not expect that here, but it changed my whole perspective on this event. Sky, you got my money, but the legacy of this scam is that it just got a whole lot harder for you to do that here in the future, and I'm left with the kindness and not the anger.
One thing I'd recommend is always have a phone call before sending funds. It's not fool proof but every extra layer of protection gives you another opportunity to vet a seller.

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100%. I was convinced enough without it, but I never will be again. Minimum phone call, even better FaceTime. If they refuse to FaceTime with you for some reason it's because they are hiding something.
Damn. Sorry they got you.

Another good guy note, my WTB ad was eventually answered by a fellow Rokslider, Sako76, who lead me to find my rifle elsewhere which I wouldn’t have found without his help. So moral of the story WTB ads can work but you have to be careful.

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I’m all for video messages. Almost everybody has a phone capable of sending a video and they are much harder to photoshop. Quick 30 second video showing product for sale and mentioning buyer name would solve a lot of the scamming issues. It’s just too easy to photoshop still shots these days.
Here's one option that I used to send someone money if you both have an account at the same bank (this was BB&T several years ago). The other guy went to a branch in their town & my teller called their branch teller & took money from my account for them. The bank made a copy of his ID for me.
You could also wire the money into their account.
I realize that's kind of a long shot but at least you could ask get an ID that way.
Sucks, bad. I’m more and more hesitant about making deals on here, and try to pick and choose people involved here that have some rapport.

FYI there are many discount programs out there for mil and first responders especially for scopes. If you want info pm me.
Only sketchy interactions I have ever had on any forum was the first and last time I posted a WTB ad.
Word! I’ve bought and sold here with zero problems but the only time I used a WTB ad looking for a specific item, I was contacted by a scammer within the first few hours. I could’ve easily been taken for $1500-2k but a little research and it was pretty obvious. Seems like using a WTB is an invitation for being inundated by idiots,
I don't have any $500 scopes but if you are in need of a scope, I have a silver swift 3-9x40 and a matte nikon 3-9x40 sitting on the shelf. They are nothing fancy. You can have one if you are in need of a scope. No charge. Send a pm if you want one
People should make those FaceTime their ID with address too, even a utility bill. I would happily do any of these things selling something here. That way if they scam you we can all go on a spring scammer hunt, crossbows with field points only. Slow death.
Sorry this happened to ya!! Unfortunately these types of things seem to be happening more often. Just have to hope that karma will get them sooner than later
I don't have any $500 scopes but if you are in need of a scope, I have a silver swift 3-9x40 and a matte nikon 3-9x40 sitting on the shelf. They are nothing fancy. You can have one if you are in need of a scope. No charge. Send a pm if you want one
I’m good now man, thank you for the generous offer though. I greatly appreciate the generosity I have been shown by Roksliders, it takes the sting off this whole thing.
Do you have a city location for this guy?

And you don't have to get cancer to lose your dick.......when ya get to 80, all you have left is the skin it came in.
i heard last week some lady shot her husband in the manhood with a spear gun (full pass through) so you don't need to be old either.... then you have the Bobbit saga back in the day
WTB are magnets. Unfortunately the new tax deal is going to make scams even easier and it gives a reason not to accept G&S even if the buyer pays the fees.

Report members that seem fishy, even if its when they are trying to get their 10 posts. There are a couple ways to indicate that its most likely a scammer. Remember that they use multiple profiles and are working more than one member at a time so report them ASAP, post a thread, do something to get the information out there.
The PayPal tax thing is a misunderstood and overblown issue. 1000% you do NOT claim personal items sold for a loss on your taxes, even if you do get a 10-99. You already paid taxes on the original purchase, and there is no capital gains because you sold it for less than the original purchase.

Now if you bought an item on clearance or something and sold it way above retail? Technically you would owe taxes on it. But I don’t see the IRS hunting anyone down for a couple bucks on PayPal from some forums.
Unfortunate this guy was identified as a scammer on this site before your transaction.
People should make those FaceTime their ID with address too, even a utility bill. I would happily do any of these things selling something here. That way if they scam you we can all go on a spring scammer hunt, crossbows with field points only. Slow death.
I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter. :cool:
WTB ad=scammers. No way around it. They will even talk to you on the phone. Not all scammers are from overseas.
I'm going to say this. It needs to be said.

If you all foamed at the mouth less at the thought of getting something from someone else for WAY less than you should be---most of this would stop. Like full stop.

Scammers aren't going away. The ones doing it for firearm related stuff are outside of the BATFE's jurisdiction. Previously they did this exact same stuff in other forums that had nothing to do with firearms stuff. Like paintball for instance. You have to realize this scam for them isn't new. Its the same old, follow me for unbelievable deals down this alley in a foreign country. Keep going, it's only a little further....

Look at it this way. At least you didn't get stabbed and left bleeding in an alley in a foreign country...