Why do you say that?
"What's the best way to dry my clothes and warm up if I fall into a glacial stream with my pack on?"
"What's the best rain jacket if it rains for 10 days straight?*
"How do I prepare to get struck by lightening in the back country?"
"How can I best prepare for it in case I get bit by a snake/stung by a bee/cut by a knife/break a leg/etc..."
Asking questions about unlikely scenarios that the OP hasn't yet and may never experience is a major part of what keeps forums alive and growing. Don't be rude just because your perspective is different than someone else.
To the OP, posts #6, #7, and #9 are ones I'd pay attention to, and as Desk Jockey pointed out, there's better places than here to ask this kind of question.
Here's my kit, carried in a big REI duffle, tossed in the trunk of my POV/back of a unit if not being worn.