Savage axis rifling shallow?

Aug 29, 2023
Hey everyone I'm new here got alot of info about region 3&8 BC to share with anyone. but I've got a question about a savage axis compact in 7-08 I bought used off my buddy. As with any used gun I immediately pulled it all apart cleaned everything. Scrubbed the bore till no more copper then I looked through and the rifling seems really shallow is this normal or did I buy a worn out gun it still shoots right and I was with him when he bought it. Maybe 500 rounds through it before I got it just never looked at a savage center fire before
Welcome to Rokslide! A 7mm-08 with 500 rounds down the pipe has a lot of life left in it. How does it shoot? I wouldn't worry too much about how the rifling looks. I have a .308 Savage that doesn't have the prettiest looking barrel when I borescoped it but it shoots 1.3 MOA 10 round groups prone off a bag with factory ammo.
Welcome to Rokslide! A 7mm-08 with 500 rounds down the pipe has a lot of life left in it. How does it shoot? I wouldn't worry too much about how the rifling looks. I have a .308 Savage that doesn't have the prettiest looking barrel when I borescoped it but it shoots 1.3 MOA 10 round groups prone off a bag with factory ammo.
Thank you been lurking for awhile but decided I'll share some knowledge and hopefully gain some. It shoots 3/4 inch 5 shot groups pretty consistently unless I have to buy a box of pre rolled then I get about 1.5" to 2". It was just how it looked that got me worried my only other rifles are a Brno zkk602 in 375 h&h and a Brno zkk 601 in 270 win both have extremely sharp deep visible rifling where my savage just seems shallow but I guess if it shoots good that's what you get for $250