Savage 111 rebarrel to 6.5prc


Sep 30, 2022
I have a Savage model 11 LRH in 260 that I would like to rebarrel to 6.5prc if possible. This would be a hunting rifle and I only shoot to 600 yds and would like to stay with the 143 or 147 bullets. Do you think this short action would work OK for the 6.5 prc? Thanks
I have a Savage model 11 LRH in 260 that I would like to rebarrel to 6.5prc if possible. This would be a hunting rifle and I only shoot to 600 yds and would like to stay with the 143 or 147 bullets. Do you think this short action would work OK for the 6.5 prc? Thanks
Savage short actions are longer than Rem 700, so the action itself won’t. The limiting factor will be the mag box. What mag system are you going to use?

You will have to change the bolt face, but that is no big deal with the floating head.
Bolt face and ordering the barrel in small shank. Most mag actions were large shank. As previously mentioned you would also need to do something with the mag either find a wsm mag box and follower or switch to aics mags.