270Win rebarrel


Jan 18, 2025
I have a Sako A7 in 270Win. Action is amazing but I’d like to rebarrel into something else, 6.5 Prc in the long action maybe. And upgrade the stock.
Any words of wisdom?
Check the ballistics and the 6.5 PRC compared to your .270. You will find they are very similar. You will gain nothing but a lighter pocket.
Some folks find it more expensive than they budgeted for to have the bolt face opened up, extractor changed, magazine and follower changed out to work with the fatter cartridge.
You also might consider trading your rifle for one with a magnum bolt face, then having it rebarreled. If you really want an accurate 6.5 PRC then that’s good enough reason.
Time you pay for a barrel and Smith work, you could buy another rifle. If the .270 is shot out or you want something new, sell the Sako and put it toward a new rifle.
Lot of good points. Most of them were expected, mostly wanting to mess with it out of pure boredom. I’ll probably leave it alone till it’s shot out since it’s such a good shooter anyway. A folding stock would be cool. Thanks for commenting.
I would stick with the 270 over the trouble and expense of changing to a 6.5 PRC.

Maybe go with a faster twist 270 to run heavier bullets or go to a 6.5-06 throated for 156 Bergers.

I’d go to a 280 AI and shoot 168-180 grainers… which is what I did, or doing, rather. Waiting on the ‘smith to finish the job.
