Sauer & Son 100 308 Win

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014

Long on rifle / hunting / reloading experience. Am unreasonably fussy about rifle accuracy. Considering purchasing this rifle as a back up to my Tikka Laminated 30-06.

If you have any + or - HANDS ON experience with this particular rifle, would greatly appreciate hearing from you.


Long on rifle / hunting / reloading experience. Am unreasonably fussy about rifle accuracy. Considering purchasing this rifle as a back up to my Tikka Laminated 30-06.

If you have any + or - HANDS ON experience with this particular rifle, would greatly appreciate hearing from you.


Very good rifles- really the only competition to Tikka. In ways they are “better” than T3’s, in a couple of ways they aren’t. Provided that you mean the standard Sauer 100 and not the other models- they come with the best designed factory stock on the market. The trigger is fantastic. Bolt does not bind. Mags are flush fit 5 rounders that feed excellently. All that I have seen shoot like a Sauer is supposed to- which is to say excellent .
Very good rifles- really the only competition to Tikka. In ways they are “better” than T3’s, in a couple of ways they aren’t. Provided that you mean the standard Sauer 100 and not the other models- they come with the best designed factory stock on the market. The trigger is fantastic. Bolt does not bind. Mags are flush fit 5 rounders that feed excellently. All that I have seen shoot like a Sauer is supposed to- which is to say excellent .
It's a Sauer & Sohn 100. Is this the rifle you are supporting?

Thank You.
I’ve only been around 1 in 6.5 prc it was very accurate (hand loads) and the guy who owned it loved it. He said he might sell and I’d told him I’d be first to buy it.
I have not personally owned one, maybe one of these days