Satellite Texting in the Mountains

As mentioned before, I can do more in a five-minute phone call then I can in three hours texting and connecting with my InReach even paired to my phone.
Newer model Iridium sat phone has a preprogramed SOS button and some GPS features.
Sat phone and minutes are more expensive than Garmin communicators and plans.
I'm due for a phone upgrade, and don't currently have an inreach or zoleo. I was going to purchase one for this years hunt, but may just do a phone with the capability instead.

Is it just the iPhone so far that satellite messaging is available on, or are there android options now as well?
I looked up some of the recent conversations on the new satellite texting feature but convos seemed to be varied around service provider or InReach/Zoleo devices. My buddy has ATT and is on a cruise in the Caribbean, seems to be working pretty well. Any guys with experience using it in the mountains? If so, what service?

I used my AT&T iPhone in Nebraska for texting and seemed to work pretty good. Took me a minute to figure out the icon in the top right of the phone tho. I’m not to tech savvy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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