I’m usually in the 10-15 SD with this tikka when I shoot the reloads soon after reloading (my other 6.5 sees single digits SDs)
Any idea what may be causing the “bullet weld” that’s increases my ES/SD if there is carbon in the necks? I guess I can just load them long and then final seat before I go out and hunt but it could be 4 or 5 days from searing to when I shoot which was enough time this week to push my ES up another additional 20-30fps
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ya not really sure on the welding problem, but I would think the problem would take a lot longer to develop. Have you tried brushing the necks once the brass has been prepped ?
Maybe not use the alcohol.
my process is
lube with one shot
size with .002 to .003 shoulder bump with FL die
expand neck with mandrel so I get about .002 tension
trim ( this is partly to clean up the chamfer
clean in dry media ( make sure flash hole is clear)
then load using a changermaster link
I generally get a 10sd or less for ten shots and 1moa of less. the load I got for prs is .7 moa mean radius of .22moa and an SD of 8. I am plenty happy with this as I don't want to waste time for any marginal improvement.
brass is peterson
powder h4350
primer S&B currently
bullet 140eldm
and all this loading is done on a dillon 550 press
I generally don't have any problems an 1 moa or 1.5 moa plate at 100yards which is 10 to 15inch plate.
Also your sd can go up and down based on how many shots you shoot
Another thing I would listen to some of the hornady podcast like you "groups are to small" and some of the other related to reloading
I also think your" looking at the hole in the donut to much " for a hunting round like others have said