This is close to what I was thinking. I reverse seared with some sea salt, coarse black pepper, garlic/onion powder. It was amazing....never in the crock pot again! HAI've not had crane but since I understand it to be somewhat beef-like red meat: salt, pepper and smoke til 120 internal then reverse sear ought to be pretty damn good. Hickory would be my go-to. Even if the pellet grill has a sear function I'd still sear in ripping hot cast iron or grill. This is for breasts. I don't know if the legs are tough like a turkey - if so I would braise them, or maybe par cook before you finish on the pellet grill.
Nice! Crock pot is fine for the tough stuff although I prefer to just manually braise in a dutch oven because I feel like the crock pot gives things a weird flavor, but for duck breasts or crane or anything that's good rare it's a crimeThis is close to what I was thinking. I reverse seared with some sea salt, coarse black pepper, garlic/onion powder. It was amazing....never in the crock pot again! HA
This is what I do with mine. Just drew my crane tags so hope to be doing this recipe again in DecemberI've not had crane but since I understand it to be somewhat beef-like red meat: salt, pepper and smoke til 120 internal then reverse sear ought to be pretty damn good. Hickory would be my go-to. Even if the pellet grill has a sear function I'd still sear in ripping hot cast iron or grill. This is for breasts. I don't know if the legs are tough like a turkey - if so I would braise them, or maybe par cook before you finish on the pellet grill.
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