Just talked with Ivory Holsters on the M&P 2.0 10MM and he said he plans to put out a holster to fit this particular model and make it compatible with the RMR optic. So this is great news. Now i doubt my pre-order will ship anytime soon, so i think ill just sit and stew for a while. for my needs the M&P will suit my needs, however i will continue to be on the hunt for a Dan Wesson Specialist because.......ive always wanted one. I think i need to remove the kimber from my mind all together, just too much negative associated with it especially for the cost.
now......... what would yall have chosen in this platform the 4" or the 4.6"
i had pre-ordered the 4.6" for the reason of a little better sight radius, a little more weight which should lead to more control, and i have no intent of concealing it, and it more closely matched most guys pick of the glock 20 in barrel length.