I actually just acquired a Rydr 9 and wanted to share a bit of feedback. In fairness, let me state that I am looking for a bipod primarily for NRL Hunter matches and hunting would be the less frequent use. I think it is likely more useful for hunting.
There were a few things that just didn't work for me, one of which they are correcting.
First, I bought the pic rail connection. I had assumed this was a quick-connect system, but no, I actually had to use an allen wrench to loosen two bolts all the way out to then cinch it back on to the pic rail. This was so slow as I kept loosening, then seeing if it would pass over the rail, then loosening some more. There is no "fast" connection. They are currently working on a version with quick connect lever lock.
Second, there was no way to truly lock out the panning. It could be tightened down, but a 40+ inch rifle has plenty of leverage to move the pan, even when tight. It just felt sloppy to me, much more than a $90 Magpul that has pan capacities. When that pan isn't locked, it affects the recoil impulse and ability to see impacts.
Third, the max height is 27". I am 6'2" and could not comfortably kneel and shoot without being hunched over altering body position and my natural point of aim. Seated would have been a different situation. For hunting, this probably wouldn't have mattered as much, but it didn't work for me for NRL Hunter.
The legs felt reasonably sturdy, but I was so bothered by the pan constantly rotating that I never felt steady.