

Jul 27, 2015
I'm wondering if my routine is a good working one. I'm new to the gym and have kinda made up a routine. I am looking to see if it's better to work my routine or change it up so here it is...I do every other day with the routine like this..

*day off
*day off
*day off

I feel like it's taking to long to get back around to a muscle group. I'm not trying to get big just better than what I was in. I work out for an hour each time, with a 3 sets of 12/14/16 reps. I use both machines and dumbbell routine.

So my question is, should i move to...

Upper body day
Cardio day
Lower body day
Cardio day

Thanks in advance guys
I don't see anything wrong with your routine. If that works for your schedule then stick with it. You could alternate between high rep and low rep workouts from week to week to change things up. Try 15-20 reps for 3-4 sets, and then go 6-10 reps the following week and increase the weight.
Do something you enjoy so you can maintain over time. Also, track progress so you know if what you're doing isn't working. My .02
I like that you have cardio built in to every routine. Personally, I have found that it I get 4-5 days per week in, I see huge results vs 3 days per week.
I might suggest:
Monday - gym
Tuesday - gym
Wednesday - off
Thursday - gym
Friday - gym
Saturday - something active outdoors
Sunday - off
I would also suggest 5-10 high intensity warm up that incorporates all muscle groups to begin each workout: burpees, tire pulls, jump rope, etc.
Id definitely recommend less days off if you have the time and enjoy it. If you are taking the days off because you are sore and its new to you, that will pass in a couple of weeks.
I like that you have cardio built in to every routine. Personally, I have found that it I get 4-5 days per week in, I see huge results vs 3 days per week.
I might suggest:
Monday - gym
Tuesday - gym
Wednesday - off
Thursday - gym
Friday - gym
Saturday - something active outdoors
Sunday - off
I would also suggest 5-10 high intensity warm up that incorporates all muscle groups to begin each workout: burpees, tire pulls, jump rope, etc.

This is what works for me except intensity warm up.

Upper body/ cardio
Legs / aerobic exercise
Upper body/ cardio
Legs / aerobic exercise
outdoor normally hike
sometimes off or light hike

Seems like my body has better gains with this routine plus less aches and pains

Good luck just remember anything is better then nothing so don't trap yourself into feeling you need to do things a certain way or not at all.
Yeah was thinking about adding all body weight work outs at home on my off days. I found a couple workouts called the "Bat Man" and the "Gladiator" that look pretty intense but I'm still kicking it around. Has anyone tried these?
Been doing the following routine for the last couple years and real happy with my results. At 48 in the best shape of my life.

Day 1: Upper body recently switched from high reps to heavier lifting, lots of shoulder and back work followed by 4 mile run
Day 2: Lower body squats, deadlift and gobblet squats with some hip and calf work followed by 30 minutes of intervals on the stairmaster
Day3: HIIT day side to sides on 24" box *30, 15 box jumps at 30", 20 burpees with pushups and 200 jump ropes repeat 4 times finish with cardio if I'm up to it.
Repeat and take a day off when my body tells me it needs one (about 1 day a week).

Often substitute weighted pack hike or mountain biking on my HIIT day or any other day but try to get my lifting in on schedule.

At my age I've found my body responds better to lifting muscle groups every third day vs every other.