Route 70 vs 80

70 is, borderline jump off a cliff boring.
80 is better...but better scenery during the day.
90 is my favorite...but my tundra drinks the gas running 83mph haha.
Just drove 80 through Nebraska a couple days ago. Plenty of construction to deal with but no long delays. It may not seen like much but 80 is 5-10 degrees cooler on average so that may be a concern when bringing meat home.
Im planning on 90 through SD, MT this year on the way to ID. Have taken 80 twice to the same spot. I love the drive through NE (but I grew up there). 21 hour drive planning on going straight through solo. Leave at 3pm and arrive at camp around 12pm the next day.

IMO take 80. In NE you start off with the big city of Omaha, followed by a lot of ag fields, then in the western half western you get the sand hills, and some badlands type feel.
Im planning on 90 through SD, MT this year on the way to ID. Have taken 80 twice to the same spot. I love the drive through NE (but I grew up there). 21 hour drive planning on going straight through solo. Leave at 3pm and arrive at camp around 12pm the next day.

IMO take 80. In NE you start off with the big city of Omaha, followed by a lot of ag fields, then in the western half western you get the sand hills, and some badlands type feel.
Thanks, I have taken 90 when I went to WY, SD sucks until you get to the Black Hills. That is beautiful. I was thinking of taking 70 but now I am think 80.
80s great! But then again I live just off of it in Nebraska. Once you make it past Lincoln it is one of the better maintained roads around. And if you break down it's typically only 5-10 miles either way to a town with a mechanic until you hit the panhandle!

I've only got about 8 hours to drive this year so it's nice!
80 is the way to go as stated a few years ago. I actually have to take 70 this year as I am tagging along with a buddy pulling his camper to stay in CO for the winter(remote workers). We are going to mountain bike next weekend, then I'll head down to our hunting spot on Monday. I also have to pick up some airplane parts on the way home in Boulder. The Platte river is much more spectator friendly, although there is good opportunity to see some really good deer in the eastern portion of Kansas if you hit the time of day right. I think traffic wise 80 is a bit busier but I typically drive it at night. Living in eastern OK and most of my family in Western SD, Ive had the opportunity to drive them all over the years, many times.

I never minded Kansas however. Plus for me a much better route to get to Denver. 9.5 hours.
I’ve ran both routes. And I prefer 80. Doesn’t run you right St Louis and Kansas City can really crush your travel time if you catch them at the wrong time.

I drove straight through from Rock Springs Wyoming to NE Pa. Truck only stopped for fuel and never shut off. The wife was not happy when I rolled in the driveway early on a Friday morning 12 hours ahead of schedule.. had to get home for the last weekend of archery season. Killed a average 8 pt the next day..