Route 70 vs 80

Unless weather becomes a factor, I would definitely take I-80. I-70 is so straight and monotonous through Kansas. Field, field, field, sign for Jesus, field, tree, field, field, repeat. I-80 undulates along the Platte River through Nebraska. We saw a bunch of deer and a flock of cranes on that stretch last month.

Beat me to it. A bit better scenery on 80 and the "original" Cabelas is just off the interstate in Sidney Ne. I've done em all, at least west of the kansas border. Don't think it makes much difference.

Be careful for those of you do I90, especially at night and west of Rapid city. Lots of Deer and Elk crossing the road there.

I live in tulsa and now stay off the beaten path somewhat. We hunt far enough south in CO that I just take state highways and Hit I29 north in central NM. The scenery is much better too.
We’re heading to CO from PA. I’ve always taken I70 but I80 is about the same travel time. For those of you who have traveled 70 & 80 traveling from the east to west or vice versa, do you prefer one over the other?

I have grandkids in Ohio... I've driven rt 80 for the last 25 years from NorthEast Pa. Minus construction ( and that's hard to do ) ride across Pa. is about the most scenic you'll find. I get on off the Pa TP at the Pocono exit. I wouldn't speed too much until you get past Lock Haven and then its pretty much clear sailing. I keep my cruise at 6 over and never been pulled over. I think you're safe under 80 mph but I'm not going to be the one to try it. Passing truckers ( of which there are many ) is the exception. Many unprofessional drivers simply don't know when to pull over in the right lane staying side by side with another truck for miles ( hint .. they have no ID on their trucks ) Most pro truckers are fine. Long time since I rode 70 but my memories of it aren't good..
Just did both of them. Took 80 out, and 70 back. Give me 80 any day. Yes, Nebraska goes on forever - but at least it isn’t Kansas. Also, truck traffic seemed way less on 80 than it did on 70.

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Sidenote; SE Colorado < Kansas. Seriously. I've went through their twice now trying to get to Raton NM once, and SW Colorado another time. It's AWFUL. There is absolutely nothing out there.
Ive taken both lots of times. Always prefer 80 just skirt Chicago if you go that way. Got stuck in rush hour traffic there once and cut south on little highways till I hit 70 in Missouri. Also got stuck in a flooded cornfield that night. 70 through Kansas always seemed brutally long.
I have grandkids in Ohio... I've driven rt 80 for the last 25 years from NorthEast Pa. Minus construction ( and that's hard to do ) ride across Pa. is about the most scenic you'll find. I get on off the Pa TP at the Pocono exit. I wouldn't speed too much until you get past Lock Haven and then its pretty much clear sailing. I keep my cruise at 6 over and never been pulled over. I think you're safe under 80 mph but I'm not going to be the one to try it. Passing truckers ( of which there are many ) is the exception. Many unprofessional drivers simply don't know when to pull over in the right lane staying side by side with another truck for miles ( hint .. they have no ID on their trucks ) Most pro truckers are fine. Long time since I rode 70 but my memories of it aren't good..

Northeast Pa construction you say? You must be familiar with 81 too! The construction zone that never ends.
Any update on this or any change since this thread was opened? I'm going to make the trip from Pa to Co twice and was wandering which was to go?
“The drive over the continental divide and through the mountains on I 70 is worth the extra traffic if you haven't been through it before”.

Huh? i guess I’m jaded by driving it too many times.
“The drive over the continental divide and through the mountains on I 70 is worth the extra traffic if you haven't been through it before”.

Huh? i guess I’m jaded by driving it too many times.
Thank you, I have not been through Colorado on I70. I am going in Sept Elk and in Nov Deer.
Nobody mentioned the amazing barbeque along 70 in Missouri and Kansas... That would probably decide it for me! Fill your coolers with beef brisket.
Chicago is the one potential suck fest on I80. One trick I learned from family who frequents Chicago is to always have google maps navigating for you because it automatically change routes for traffic, saved us three hours once there. Otherwise I feel Nebraska has a town every couple hours with basic amenities but Kansas not so much.

Also if your going through Denver regardless you’ll be on I76 coming from I80 and you can spend the money for the northwest parkway toll road and bypass the city congestion.
Good Point. Do you remember any names of the places you stopped?

I remember a chain restaurant called Bandanas that wasn’t too bad and some local joints in KC that were destination worthy but don’t recall the names. There’s a ton of good barbecue either side of KC for several hours.

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We normally take 70 across. The last time we went to Kansas City and went north and picked up 80 hoping to see some different scenery. It wasn't much different. I prefer to go out one way and come back another.
have done the 80 three times to drop down to western Colorado 4th season from NY, it's by far the better route. I've done the 70 route twice and Denver was bad and then the mud slides closed the 70 after Denver which forced us to take the 80 route. The 80 gets real windy going thru the divide and I wouldn't do it with a travel trailer at that time of year. both are beautiful to drive, and Nebraska is forever during the day and twice as long at night.