We’re heading to CO from PA. I’ve always taken I70 but I80 is about the same travel time. For those of you who have traveled 70 & 80 traveling from the east to west or vice versa, do you prefer one over the other?
Thanks for the replies!
I usually leave on wed or thurs but this time it will be fri evening. I don’t mind the ride until usually Kansas - gets pretty boring to Denver. Wasn’t sure if Nebraska or I-80 was a better ride or not.
Haha! You nailed it! I may just check that out. It’s only like a 10min. diff between the 2. That’s kinda what I’m looking for...scenery. I’ll have my 13yo son along too so....Unless weather becomes a factor, I would definitely take I-80. I-70 is so straight and monotonous through Kansas. Field, field, field, sign for Jesus, field, tree, field, field, repeat. I-80 undulates along the Platte River through Nebraska. We saw a bunch of deer and a flock of cranes on that stretch last month.
Anyone ever take 90/94. I think I'm going that way to north/central Idaho (from central Ohio) for these upcoming trips this year.
A couple years ago we left Clearfield Pa at 7pm on a wednesday night and got to Meeker around 6 the next day. 80 the whole way until western NE then down 76 to Denver then out I70 west through the mountains.
The drive over the continental divide and through the mountains on I 70 is worth the extra traffic if you haven't been through it before.
If you are starting in eastern/southern PA then it likely doesnt make much of a difference as 70 and 80 are roughly the same and you should get through most of Ohio Kentucky TN cities over night if you are driving through the night and the only traffic issue may be St Loius Kansas City on I 70 vs Omaha and Lincoln on I80