About me: I’ve hunted my whole life in the Midwest,
25+ years. White tails archery/muzzleloader, waterfowl, turkey, coyote, everything possible. I have done some guided hunts for moose and bear in Canada.
I, of course, watch a ton of hunting videos of western hunting and do a lot of research. In the last couple of years I have started putting in for elk tags in a few western states. My strategy as of now is mostly acquiring points by putting into really good units with low non resident odds. Mainly rifle units as I’d rather get one in the bag with rifle before starting on archery.
And here’s the crux, I tend to think if I draw a good unit I could go out myself or likely my dad in his 60s would want to go. Is that unrealistic? With the right gear and general hunting knowledge in a good unit would I fair okay?
25+ years. White tails archery/muzzleloader, waterfowl, turkey, coyote, everything possible. I have done some guided hunts for moose and bear in Canada.
I, of course, watch a ton of hunting videos of western hunting and do a lot of research. In the last couple of years I have started putting in for elk tags in a few western states. My strategy as of now is mostly acquiring points by putting into really good units with low non resident odds. Mainly rifle units as I’d rather get one in the bag with rifle before starting on archery.
And here’s the crux, I tend to think if I draw a good unit I could go out myself or likely my dad in his 60s would want to go. Is that unrealistic? With the right gear and general hunting knowledge in a good unit would I fair okay?