
Classified Approved
Oct 1, 2020
As of today, FATMAP is no longer usable.
It was the best 3-D mapping software on the iPhone.

Built by mountaineers in Chamonix, it was designed to help you route find in the mountains and keep you alive. I used these tools hunting, backpacking, backcountry, skiing, and mountaineering.

It had amazing shading abilities in their custom 3-D mapping engine. All of the terrain X features (except for viewshed) in ONX were there, off-line on my mobile. I remember being in a particularly steep section chasing elk, and using the shading tool to only show me part of the slope less than 20° and I got out of that zone with weight on my back with far less energy and effort than I could have expended otherwise.

It had the best off-line mapping flow (if you were looking at a zone in 3-D. It would be there off-line the next time you logged in without you having to do anything special.)

I could go on for a long time about how much I love this piece of software, and how sad I am that it’s gone now.

Strava bought it, gutted it for parts and killed it. I will never forget them.

I’m glad that the owners are able to retire in their 30s. I just wish that their baby lived on.

Does anybody have recommendations about other pieces of software that are remotely comparable to what FATMAP offered?