Rifle for coyotes

223 Wylde build from PSA is worth a look. You can pick up and stripped Anderson or Aero Precision lower for about $50 and have a sweet rig for under $550 (plus learn how to build one... under an hour and easy to find instructions online). Toss a budget scope on there and you’ll be ready to rock.

Even better you can pick up a 300 Blackout upper to swap out as needed. I know a guy that whacks coyotes like crazy with one using a suppressor and subsonic rounds. Only good to 100 yds or so but you can stack a few dogs on each call because it sounds like a staple gun.

I personaly havent gotten into coyote hunting but i know a few guys who prefer the 22mag. Keeps the fur nicer. Slightly more quiet. I know they have said they have lost more coyotes hit with a .17 than the 22 mag
I think Owenst7 is on the right track. I have used both and it really comes down to personal preference. Nice triggers can be had in both platforms, reliability is the same with quality brands and maintenance, and prices are getting comparable as well. Too many people skimp on optics and hinder the performance of their firearm and themselves. Cheap optics that fail will lead to wounded game...
I have a dedicated predator rifle that is a bolt action Remington 700 sps in 204 caliber, 35 gr Berger bullet, reloader 10X 23.5 grains I shoot coyotes out to 300 yds in 2 mph winds very easy.
How did that 204 do on that cat? Didn't destroy the fur did it? I think a 204 is my next purchase.

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I have used .204, 223, 22-250 and .243 over the years. 243 Ruger rifle works great but is a little overkill. 223 Savage rifle works great but is not very flat shooting for longer range coyotes. 22-250 Tikka T3 lite great gun excellent trigger and smooth action. If in a calling contest is a go to gun because of flat shooting and great knock down power. I use 52 grain Sierra bullets not bad on the pelt. My fun go to gun that I use all the time is ar with Wilson combat barrel in 204. Shoot 35 grain Berger bullets will kill them but you need to make sure you have a good hit. Easy to kill multiple coyotes due to fast follow up shots.
I have a 220 swift that gets out there real nice. I shot fox with it for years when the pelt prices were high but I had to go to solids or I wouldn’t get a hide. A 50 grain boat tail solid spire point is tack driving accurate out to around 350 yards.
Just looked at and considering a 17 wsm Savage . Cabelas has one on sale with bushnell scope for $329. Have a 243 ar and is it great but handloads are a pain to get cycling right. A 17wsm sounds pretty interesting to me with 25 gr bullets.

I have this rifle in heavy barrel-sick accurate out of the box. It’s my primary predator rifle. 17 WSM ballistics are excellent
My local Sportsmans has a savage axis II in clearance for $270. Its a 22-250 and has a camo synthetic stock and the accu trigger. I think I'm going to grab it tomorrow.

I bought this rifle in 22-250 during Cabelas Xmas sale, and got $100 off AND a $100 rebate from Savage. Final price was $180.
Replaced the trigger with a Timney, and put a Boyd’s stock on it. 1/2 inch groups all day.

I wouldn’t buy this unless I planned on the 2 upgrades I listed, bc the trigger and stock are crappy.
I went with the Ruger Predator 22-250. $400 out the door & comes with threaded barrel for a suppressor if you so choose. Generally speaking you won't have many high percentage follow up shots anyway (depending on your terrain of course). Another thing to consider... typically most "off the shelf" AR's have a 9lb trigger that you're gonna have to spend $$ to replace to be able to have any accuracy.
Going a new direction. I always call with open sight lever guns or bolt rifles with low magnification scopes. Just ordered a 6.0lb ar in 5.56 with a 16" 1:7 twist barrel, a vortex venom red dot sight, and putting a micro bastard brake on it. If i decide i like the setup ill upgrade rifle and optic, and swap the brake for a suppressor. Should be a good all around rifle for yotes, bobs and lions in the close cover i like to call. Ill be sticking with the open sight lever gun for calling bears though.
Rem 700 in 22-250 for me. Bull barrel and heavier stock putting the entire setup around 10 lbs, which is why I am trying it out with a Feisol tripod and RRS Anvil 30 head to pan and tilt open country. Gun shoots great groups with little to no recoil, but most of the time I have never had multiple targets come in so the bolt gun works well for my situation.