Rifle for coyotes

Have a Rock River AR that my son and I built and a Remington 700 22-250. Depending on where I’m going and what situation I might be calling in, I’ll choose either.
if you wanna go inexpensive, get a savage axis 22-250, i have one and it shoots awesome, if you do want to go AR and have some more cash i would look at Specialized Dynamics AR-15 in 22-250, I think that would be the ultimate predator hunting gun. Some day I would like to have one
ruger SR556

rem 600 222

custom bighorn 6.5 PRC

custom bighorn 6.5 creed

S&W 1911

ruger american predator 6.5

ruger 77/17 Hornet

ruger UL 204 in a LSS


ruger am pred in a LSS

kimber montana 260

ruger 1911

RPR 6.5 creed

ruger hawkeye pred 6.5

ruger 77/17 hmr

ruger 77 22-250

ruger VT 204
You can't go wrong with any of them, but it all depends on your Max distance shooting. Some calibers do better then others. I tend to find a bullet that is Fur friendly to my liking and doesn't make Volleyball size exit holes. I dislike sewing them period.
I mostly looking for opinions on semi-auto vs bolt from people that have used both.

I have both and use both. My Ar has a bull barrel- accurate as hell but heavy to drag around.

The Savage LH bolt is cheap, fairly light and accurate.

I mostly pack around the bolt as its lighter...but followups are definitely faster with the AR...you can literally walk them in on on a running coyote.
The 22-250 is the ideal coyote rifle.

Find one in a 1:8 twist and shoot 77s. After trying it, you won't switch to anything else. Fast, flat, and good effective range for most coyote situation.
The 22-250 is the ideal coyote rifle.

Find one in a 1:8 twist and shoot 77s. After trying it, you won't switch to anything else. Fast, flat, and good effective range for most coyote situation.

Couldn't agree more although I shoot a slightly lighter bullet no doubt the 77's would be as good, probably a little better
22-250's are great if you don't have valuable coyotes.
Have you had problems tearing them up? As long as I stay off the shoulder it's usually tiny entrance hole with no exit. My experience is that it's more the bullet choice than the caliber when it comes to pelt damage or lack there of imo.
Ive never used a AR if you make your shot count you shouldn't need the fast follow up. i do miss sometimes but that's hunting. I love my Tikka 223 3 shot group at 100 yards all three thru the same hole.
I see your a S. Utah guy so you have some open country. Any medium range 22 cal is plenty fine if your taking fur. If your not taking fur, a 243 is a dandy. Here's one that nobody seems to try. Get in the sage and call with a shotgun. You'll probably get more dogs that way anyway. Short answer... anything you got is great.
I use my Savage Youth Axis 243 for most things. The hides around here don't get that great so not too worried about that. I don't even change my ammo. I've gotten everything from a 350# bear to a bobcat with it. LOVE that gun- use Federal Fusion ammo, 160 grain I think. Didn't blow up my bobcat too much, and that bear only went 2 lunges after it was hit.
Plus I love staying familiar with a gun. i have the same scope set up on my 30.06 ( a Savage lady hunter) so it's easy and comfortable to go from one to another.

So I would vote for a bolt action just for ease of carrying around in the woods.