Rifle build caliber choice

A new 7 rem mag fell into my lap, but I was set to replace the worn out barrel with a 7 prc. They are so close in speed the two are interchangeable - the big advantage to the prc is the standardized chamber dimensions are tighter and more accurate than the standard 7 Rem mag chamber. The last barrel was chambered with a custom reamer so it essentially duplicates what the prc has naturally, if that makes sense. If you end up going with a 7 Rem mag I highly recommend using a barrel that has a minimum dimension chamber - not so tight in the neck that case necks have to be turned, but a “minimum no turn chamber“ - the gunsmith will know what you mean.

There‘s nothing wrong with the 6.5 prc - it’s the new 270, with all the accuracy improvements of the improved chamber. For only deer and antelope this is ideal, and it works on elk. The 7mm is a little more ideal for elk and does everything the 6.5prc can.
I am with Form on this one. For what you want to do, I wouldn't go the mag route. If you are just looking to do something a bit different, go with a 7-08AI. You can shoot heavy bullets or light bullets and even use factory ammo in a pinch.
It will easily perform to your stated max ranges for both practice and hunting.
i was in the same boat and went with the 7prc.... but plenty of days i wish i would have gone w/6.5prc b/c it's short action and can do everything the 7prc can @ the ranges i shoot most often. true "do it all" the 7prc is probably the better choice if elk and larger game are on the list but they can all be taken with a 6.5prc as well. where you hunt plays a role too. I have run into guides & outfitters who specify a minimum caliber - and while it may only be their suggestion, it's not a debate i care to get into. .270 is a fine choice too...
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Looking at building a new do-it all rifle. I was pretty much set on building a 300wsm but now that it’s time and I got the funds I’ve become uncertain, I’ve been giving 6.5 and 7 prc a look and the 7 is very interesting, I like the idea of the heavier bullet but the 6.5 seems most available, I’m torn and btw I reload so factory ammo isn’t the over all deciding factor
300 win mag with the 215 berger is a hammer out to and beyond 1k on elk depending on your DA and load developement. The .691 bc and a longer throat will allow it to get nearly 300 prc velocities. My Christensen came with a pretty long throat and a longer Mag length than what I believe is standard allowing ample room for powder, enabling close to 2900fps or better safely. Barrel life is nothing to brag about but with a decent brake the recoil is mild.
Everyone should own these a 223 243 300win. These are my favorites my opinion is a guy should have these in their arsenal and you’ll have everything covered.
I vote 6.8 Western! Superb performance for moderate recoil. Heavier bullets than 6.5 and less recoil, weight, and shorter action than 7prc. 300 wsm is great too by the way;)

Thanks for the reply’s and suggestions everyone. I settled on 7prc and got a defiance anti, trigger tech and proof barrel on order, now I need a few hours of ot for the stock and glass 😆😆😆