rifle and suppressor - ATF Form 9


Jun 15, 2023
Has anyone taken a suppressor abroad since September 2024 and had to fill out ATF Form 9 and get approval? I went to get my CBP 4457 today for a trip to Africa and the agent advised me to contact ATF about requirements for the suppressors. An email to ATF got a reply that I need to notify the National Firearms Act Branch and an ATF Form 9 must be approved “prior to export”. I clarified that this is personal travel not commerce or export and they replied the form was needed. The forms need to be mailed, in quadruplicate BUT “you must not submit before a license from the Dept of State or Commerce.”…. If a license is not needed documentation needs to be attached.

Needless to say I’m confused and I can’t reach NFA Branch today (left a message). Has anyone gone through this process? Seems there are new rules and even the customs agent did two 4457 forms - one with the suppressors and one without - because he wasn’t certain either.
When haus of arms did an Africa hunt they simply bought a silencer and left it in SA after the hunt. Was less than 500. Far easier than doing the paperwork.
Seems there’s more than 1 Form 9
5320.20 is what is needed for temporary export.

5320.9 that had me confused is for permanent export

Still confusing.

Elon has a lot of wood to chop to get to gov’t efficiency.
Does your PH have a suppressor you can use? Seems like a way better route than dealing with ATF or Customs.
Exactly, borrow the PH's or buy one there and gift it to the PH when you leave. Even with the forms you will still have headaches getting out and back in. Not worth the trouble.
Maybe this helps someone wanting to bring their own gear to SA vs using PH’s equipment. Two steps:

Customs: CBP 4457 to declare your personal items. I had both of my rifles and suppressors on there. It probably wouldn’t have been a bad idea to put binos or other expensive gear on there too.

ATF: form 5320.20 https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/f...r-temporarily-export-certain-nfa-firearms-atf. It was easy enough. Fill out, sign, scan and email back and within 2 weeks you get your approval-or denial mailed back.

I had booked United via Newark like last time but with this itinerary ATF denied my request because suppressors are illegal in NJ. I rebooked with Delta via Atlanta and reapplied for the permit. I have approval now.

This silliness to me is why a suppressor is an ATF item at all and not considered hearing protection.