Need to make some room in my safe so looking to move my CA Ridgeline 28N. It shoots great and I’ll probably regret parting with it.
- Bought new 2019
- 28 Nosler 1:9 26”
- Mesa Precision Altitude stock. Has spartan gunsmith adapter mounted below front pic rail.
- Only comes with thread protector. I ran it suppressed & sold the break.
- Has 290 rounds on the barrel per my log book. Will include log book with rifle.
- Shoots 180 ELDM around 3047 w/ 76 gr H1000 around .5-.7 MOA (200 yd zero pics below)
Will include around 100 pieces of Nosler brass (on 2nd or 3rd firing)
- NX8 4-32 F1 Mil-C with Seekins rings (FYI I don’t have the box)
Rifle only $1800
Rifle and scope $3500
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- Bought new 2019
- 28 Nosler 1:9 26”
- Mesa Precision Altitude stock. Has spartan gunsmith adapter mounted below front pic rail.
- Only comes with thread protector. I ran it suppressed & sold the break.
- Has 290 rounds on the barrel per my log book. Will include log book with rifle.
- Shoots 180 ELDM around 3047 w/ 76 gr H1000 around .5-.7 MOA (200 yd zero pics below)
Will include around 100 pieces of Nosler brass (on 2nd or 3rd firing)
- NX8 4-32 F1 Mil-C with Seekins rings (FYI I don’t have the box)
Rifle only $1800
Rifle and scope $3500
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