Review: Iron Will Outfitters Broadhead

Since 2017 I have tried both and had similar results. Just last season I set up my primary bow with the solid and my backup bow with the vented. I killed game with both. Honestly I still haven't found much difference other than a little bit of noise from the vented. That noise has not cost me an animal to date.
I will most likely use both again this year.

Tony - if you were starting from zero would you go solid or vented? My spring project is tweaking my arrow set up and really like the Iron Will collars. Thinking about a set of braodheads to try out As I experiment.
There may be some validity to the vented having better maybe they have better long range accuracy if we are talking very long shots. I myself have not seen a difference in accuracy.
There is certainly benefits to making zero sound so a more quiet solid head might be best for you.
You can not go wrong with either. I will probably be using both this year.