Retrieving deer from neighbors property


Jun 4, 2017
My neighbor is a jerk. I have caught him walking all over my property for years with my trail cams and he never asked my permission. Last season he drove his quad on my property to post his land (actually posted some of my trees) and then placed a ladder stand on the line facing my property. I shot a doe in late season muzzleloader that ran onto his property. I just walked in and retrieved it. I will continue to do the same until he starts respecting my property line.


Jul 21, 2020
If your a SD hunter you should know it's illegal.

Most will let you.
But if u choose to sit the fence line and play that game. Be prepared for them to tell you to go kick rocks.
Feb 21, 2020
I don't read the regs that you can universally retrieve your animal without permission.

"A person on foot may, without permission, enter land that is not posted to retrieve a wounded wild animal that was lawfully shot, but may not remain on the land after being told to leave."

In regards to the original question, I discuss it with neighbors before hand. If it were a new permission or public property in which I don't know the neighbors or haven't discussed it, it would be heavily dependent on the specific situation but I would abide by the regs quoted above. Long and short of it is I'd use common sense to try and avoid causing unneeded headaches for the landowner but if the Landowner is being unreasonable I'd take the legal measures possible to retrieve the game.

Buddy in MN arrowed a stud that ran onto a neighbors this fall. They gave him a 1 hr allotment to look for it and then told him he had to be gone. He didn't find it.
i stand corrected.
Mar 5, 2021
I don’t hunt fence lines, so I’ve never encountered a deer running onto the neighbor’s property. However, the fence hunting SOB’s east of my place call me every year to come over to retrieve at least one.

That being said, I expect someone to let me know that they’re going to be on my land, and if the need should arise, I will reciprocate.


Jul 29, 2021
For me, it depends on the neighbor. With some it isn't a problem to just get it. For others, I would definitely call first and give it a 50/50 that they tell us no. Fortunately, we also border a lot of state ground, so that one is easy.


Jun 2, 2013
Got good neighbors on all sides. This is our first year in there. I would for sure text any of them before entering their ground. I'd expect the same. Glad its that way, makes for a way more enjoyable time for me.

Got a guy on my south border within 10 feet of the line. Doesn't really bother me as his land lays out that is about the only decent spot to put a blind. If he smokes one and it runs over, no issue with him coming in.

Have had good luck having a cooler full of beer in the truck at all times and stopping and getting to know neighbors while I work out there in the summers. So far only met one that I won't have anything to do with lol.


Dec 26, 2020
West Virginia
I’ve got an even more difficult situation. I am part of an urban archery hunt in a golf course. I have a couple stands that I can see 6-10 houses, all within 60 yards. Half of the people hate the hunt and the other half don’t care. If I shoot a deer and it goes on someone’s property, I have to knock on the door and ask permission if they are home. If no one answers, I can retrieve it. If they say no, I explain that the deer becomes their responsibility and then I report it to the head of security for the neighborhood.
Sep 22, 2021
Western NC
I heard through the grape vine last night that the guy that leases the neighbors property for his cattle is pissed I’m hunting all “his deer” and he hasn’t seen any in his field since I put in food plots. This is also the guy who has two stands 10 yards from property line and had cut trees on both sides to give him shooting lanes and puts corn across on my property so his cows won’t get to it. I bet he’d tell me no good thing me and the property owner have had a nice long talk after old boys nephew tried to steal a camera.